


3 years, 9 months ago


Robin “Blaise” | Male | Ailidae Dog

[Obtained May 2021]

Robin has never quite fully understood himself or his motivations. In order to satisfy the guild, he has developed a persona that is  equal parts charming and deceptive. While he can appear quite confident and sure of himself, the reality is that Robin is often indecisive and conflicted. He desperately wants to escape his situation but instead remains where he is comfortable rather than facing the unknown and risking the wrath of the guild should he leave or fight back. He is determined, however, and hopes that one day he can find the strength of will to set off on his own. 


Robin, originally born under the name Blaise, was the son of a wealthy merchant who had made his fortune using good luck magic to find rare objects. The first few years of Blaise’s life were rather uneventful, and he enjoyed learning about his father’s trade and their ailidae heritage. 

His father’s good fortune, however, inevitably drew the attention of a thieves’ guild whose infamous reputation preceded them. They came in the night, killing Blaise’s father and stealing the pup along with all the riches and heirlooms. In an attempt to erase his past life and mold him to their needs, the guild renamed the pup Robin. They hoped he had inherited his father’s gift and could use it to make them rich. Because Robin’s magic stemmed from bad luck rather than good, however, he was never able to replicate his father’s success. Instead he was tasked with manipulating the fortune of others to benefit the guild. Robin became very skilled at deception as a means to achieving this, developing a charming persona with an air of confidence that could make even the most suspicious of traders welcome him. Once they let their guard down, he worked his magic to twist their lives to financial ruin, all their hard-earned money funneled directly to the guild.

Years of this has worn Robin down. He is old enough by now that he has been able to piece together his fragmented memories and understand what happened to him as a pup. He knows the guild is not his true family, and he hates the feeling of being used, but this is also the only life he has known for quite some time. He wants justice for his father’s murder, but he also can’t help the urge to simply run away to start fresh. He feels trapped by the guild, and is frustrated at his inability to take action against them. Robin has never truly known who he is or what his motivations are, however, so deciding what he wants to do next is something foreign to him. And until he can figure it out, he is stuck in the same cycle.