


3 years, 9 months ago



lvl 1
title Deadly Fist
world Faerûn
arc Hoard of the Dragon Queen
birthday tba
designer myself
value priceless
active? semi

The tightest friendship is forged

between scraps and explosions.



















class Artificer
background Izzet Engineer
race Kobold
orientation aro?
gender male
pronouns He/Him
alignment Chaotic Neutral
passive wis -
inspiration None
experience n/a






acrobatics -
insight -
performance -
animal handling -
intimidation -
persuasion -
arcana -
investigation -
religion -
athletics -
medicine -
sleight of hand -
deception -
nature -
stealth -
history -
perception -
survival -
current hp


maximum hp


temporary hp













Nahatak is a very short and scrawny kobold.

Very steampunky with belts and glowing symbols


Nahatak was born in a Kobold Tribe in the mountains of Erlkazar as the youngest and weakest of his litter, because of that he always got picked on by the other younglings and sometimes even the grown ups. They made fun of him, used him as a punching bag and let him do all the dirty stuff. "The Runt" as they liked to call him. As a consquence Nahatak developed a hatred toward his own kind and wished nothing more than to be away from them, but he wasn't able to get away from them (and also feared being all alone and not able to fend for himself in the harsh nature). But then one faithful day, just a little over two years old, he got severly beaten up by some of the older Kobolds, just for excisting, that on the fear of being killed, he rolled away from the stompng feet of his attacker and rolled down a hill. Broken, bleeding and in endless pain, Nahatak layed at the bottom of the hill waiting for death when suddenly a person came through the thick bushes and instead of ending him (since he is a Kobold after all and an easy target), took him home with him. That person- a scorcerer- is Mehir, who found Nahatak in the forest Thornwood and took Nahatak with him to his house near the Lake of Steam, where he cured him back to full health over the span of two months and let him rest, during that time Nahatak developed an interest into magic, while peeking over Mehirs shoulder and when he tried to do it too, he realised that he too was able to use magic. Then and there Mehir decided to teach Nahatak the basics of magic and spellcasting. A few months later a friend of Mehirs came to visit the sorcerer, an artificer names Jules. During his visit Jules saw Nahatak not only playing around with magic but also tinkering with metal scraps and playing with them using magical tricks. Faszinated that a little Kobold was so skilled with spells and interested in building, he asked him if he would be interested in getting teached in the ways of the artificer. Jules then moved into their home (since before he was a travelling vagabund) and started teaching Nahatak. After two years Jules also started to build his own workshop next to their home and accepted more students, some of them becoming Nahataks friends, while other were frenemies. When Nahatak turned ten, he moved from student to a semiteacher and helped Jules with the new students. Shortly before turning twelve Nahatak decided to start a "journey of Nahatak", intended to research the wonders of Faerun (for better ideas for inventing and how to convert the ideas of nature into machines), spread the principles of the Izzet and find new Members for the slowly building guild and get inspired for his greatest invention and hopefully find the means to finance it too (treasures, loot and payments are a great way for that; maybe finding some materials while travelling and scarping too xD).

Hoard of the Dragon Queen Will follow as soon as the story starts.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis lorem tempor, euismod magna vel, viverra ipsum. Morbi sapien augue, vestibulum nec est a, gravida egestas enim. Praesent fermentum enim eget feugiat commodo. Integer tincidunt odio nec egestas facilisis. Proin luctus feugiat nibh, id hendrerit lacus porttitor ut. Duis ullamcorper ipsum gravida tortor pretium accumsan. Mauris a quam vel lacus volutpat suscipit eget vitae ante. Sed eu sapien eu neque placerat finibus at sed lacus.

Praesent porttitor faucibus ornare. Nulla facilisis felis dignissim elit vulputate convallis. Etiam tincidunt est id nisi molestie, ac egestas mi maximus. Vivamus consequat, massa vel tincidunt congue, tellus dui faucibus turpis, sed vestibulum elit orci ac nulla. Nam porta dapibus leo. Aenean pellentesque aliquam ante semper egestas. Aliquam quam lorem, hendrerit eget mauris id, molestie faucibus leo. In efficitur auctor ex sed scelerisque. Suspendisse convallis aliquet felis, et blandit ex commodo eu. Donec molestie blandit mi nec finibus. Mauris viverra ipsum nec sem imperdiet, id luctus urna consequat. Vestibulum ex dolor, dictum id lacinia sit amet, ornare commodo quam. In vel pretium turpis.

features & traits

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis lorem tempor, euismod magna vel, viverra ipsum. Morbi sapien augue, vestibulum nec est a, gravida egestas enim. Praesent fermentum enim eget feugiat commodo. Integer tincidunt odio nec egestas facilisis. Proin luctus feugiat nibh, id hendrerit lacus porttitor ut. Duis ullamcorper ipsum gravida tortor pretium accumsan. Mauris a quam vel lacus volutpat suscipit eget vitae ante. Sed eu sapien eu neque placerat finibus at sed lacus.

inline subtitle Praesent porttitor faucibus ornare. Nulla facilisis felis dignissim elit vulputate convallis. Etiam tincidunt est id nisi molestie, ac egestas mi maximus. Vivamus consequat, massa vel tincidunt congue, tellus dui faucibus turpis, sed vestibulum elit orci ac nulla. Nam porta dapibus leo. Aenean pellentesque aliquam ante semper egestas. Aliquam quam lorem, hendrerit eget mauris id, molestie faucibus leo. In efficitur auctor ex sed scelerisque. Suspendisse convallis aliquet felis, et blandit ex commodo eu. Donec molestie blandit mi nec finibus. Mauris viverra ipsum nec sem imperdiet, id luctus urna consequat. Vestibulum ex dolor, dictum id lacinia sit amet, ornare commodo quam. In vel pretium turpis.

title artist
title artist
title artist
title artist
title artist
title artist
age info
height 168 cm
weight info
eyes blue
skin red scales
hair white



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Minna like his sister

Best friend/Member of the New Izzet/14 years/Halfling/Artificer-in-training She is Nahataks best friend, they bonded over their shortness. She loves exploding stuff and flowers (incorportates them into her designs, inventions and outfit). She has a hot temperament and often gets into fight with the other students. Minna teached him halfling, they often use their "secret language" to talk about their next mishievous plan. since noone else can understand it. Other members of the "new" Izzet: Will follow.

Jules fatherfigure

Fatherfigure/Mentor/46 years/Human/Artificer Jules ended up in Faerun after an accident with a portal when he was 32 and hasn't been able to return to his world since then. He at first was travelling through Faerun to find ways to get back and just has lost all hopes, when he visited his "old" friend Mehir (someone of the people he met during the first months in the new world and helped him a little bit) and met Nahatak. Seeing the little kobold tinkering around with magic, gave Jules a tiny bit of hope and selfworth back and then decided to teach Nahatak. During the following years he also decided to keep staying there and try to build his own fraction of the Izzet Guild in this world and spread informations and their way of life. He also hopes to one day find a way to get in contact with his old guild member and by that time already have a little following to show off, so that they can further expand the Izzet. Jules knows this will be a hard and long work and won't be easy - also that it is very likely that he won't survive the fullfillment of his dreams. He treasures Nahatak like his own and is proud of his doings. He protects him from anyone that belittles him and -even if he will deny it- cried when Nahatak left for his jounrey

Mehir Fatherfigure

Fatherfigure/Mentor/53 years/Halfelf/Sorcerer The sorcerer that raised Nahatak and showed him the wonders of magic. He found Nahatak when he was wounded as a tiny youngling and has been raising him since then. Has quite a few contacts in the wizard and sorcerer world.

Little Bastard team member

One of his teammates

Helios team member

One of his teammates.

Latte team member

One of his teammatesP