Abby Ashurst



3 years, 10 months ago



Abby Bartholomew Ashurst




June, 3rd








Bounty Hunter






Abby Barty Ashurst

". . ."

Gunslinger | Hunter| Justice


Abby is a tall woman with tanned skin and medium-long hair dyed to a red to orange ombre.  Her outfit comprises of a modified brown leather duster jacket with modified makeshift hard metal shoulder pads made of scraps, a leather ammunition belt, dirty dark blue jeans, a belt with two gun holsters and a flask of whisky, and dark brown leather boots modified again with scrap metal plates to reach up and protect her shins and a dark brown cowboy hat with a silver cow skull on the front.


Abby comes off as a confident, sly, smooth-talking gun-slinger, and she is, but sometimes the mask slips and her old friendly self from childhood comes through.  In truth Abby is a rather emotional person, quickly becoming attached to people and things so much so that she has even affectionately named her motorbike and her two pistols.  All she really wants is to impress people and feel as though she is doing something good with her life.  The gunslinger persona that developed overtime has kept her safe so far and she doesn’t intend to drop it any time soon.


Abby was raised in a small town called Siegnar in the nation of Kastien.  The town itself was a rather close-knit community, something rather uncommon in such a harsh and unforgiving world.  

When Abby was 11 she lost her parents, Robert and Elizabeth, in a robbery gone wrong.  Her older sister, Rose, dragged her into the closet in her bedroom where they hid until the perpetrators left and the coast was clear.  As they walked downstairs into the living area they found their parents, dead, shot between the eyes, on the floor, their blood staining the floorboards.  

Now orphaned, her 16-year-old sister was Abby's sole caregiver, providing her with food, shelter, and love.  She worked tirelessly to provide the two with all the comfort they needed, along with the help of some other kind townfolk when food and water were in short supply.  Though despite ignoring it, trying to move on, covering the stains with all sorts of furniture, the blood that stained those wooden floorboards never seemed to go away and neither did the memory of that fateful day.

Once Abby grew older, her admiration for her sister only grew and she sought to repay her for all the kindness and love she showed her growing up.  Abby wanted nothing more than to make her proud, her town proud, and to the murderers of her parents to justice.  

She found that bounty hunting was her calling, charging a sum to bring families and loved ones the justice they seek and keeping her stomach and whisky bottle filled as she continued the search to find justice for herself along the way.  The freedom such a career brought her was also much loved and different from her home-town.  The feeling of the wind in her hair as she sped along the sandy desert roads on her motorbike, the rush and thrill she felt when she found herself in gunfights, the look of awe and amazement on people's faces when they see her drag in the skull of a giant desert scorpion.  She wouldn't trade this life in for the world.

Some may call her a gunslinger, a hunter, justice itself, but others may simply call her what she truly is, a killer.


  • Theme - Roundtable Rival - Lindsey Stirling
  • Her hair is dyed but she'll say it's not.
  • She's embarrassed by her middle name so she shortens it to Barty.
  • Her motorbike is called "Vagabond".
  • Her revolvers are named "Hustle and Bustle".
  • Bisexual queen.