


3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info






Marshmallow Ghosts




Cockney London - Very Sweeney Todd



  • Self conscious - he's very bothered about what others think of him, so he will make up things on the spot to look better. He actually lives in a tiny shabby apartment in Shibai but he will change the place he says he lives in to whatever he thinks will impress more.
  • Low self-esteem - he hates feeling like he's been left out of the loop, because he thinks that it's because of something he's done. He hates it when people talk quietly around him because he's convinced it's about him, and that he's being laughed at.
  • Compulsive Liar - he lies like it's as easy as breathing. He peddles fake wares and books about fake myths and legends, unconcerned about earning coin from the lies. He never gets caught up in his own lies though, he's good at keeping track of them in his own head.
  • Prankster - he's mischievous and never quite knows when a joke has gone too far, but he just likes a good laugh.
  • Smooth - his lies are very convincing and he has no trouble getting kamishiba to believe in his fakes and curiosities.
  • Enthusiastic - he's actually incredibly passionate about ghosts, myths, legends and mysteries and he researches them extensively, despite his hoaxy wares. He's actually really well versed in these things and will hunt down a lead with an almost obsessive passion.....
  • Obsessive - he gets so into his research that he'll end up with red string, photos and clippings all around his apartment.
  • Doesn't understand fear - he just doesn't feel it.
  • Witty - he has a good sense of humour and wisecracks a lot, even when it's inappropriate. (He gets away with it because of his accent.)


  • Works as a 'ghost hunter' - he uses his gravity item, the torch, to go exploring in ruins, abandoned buildings, caves and dark forests in search of ghosts, monsters and myths. 
  • He'll bring you along for a price - he'll make up creatures - like cryptids and folk tale like monsters - that he'll take you along to hunt for. He completely makes these up, but he's so expressive and enthusiastic that he can't help but suck you in so you believe him. He actually really loves the opportunity to 'play make-believe' as much as he loves the coin.
  • Loves Ghost Stories - his favourite genre is horror and he will stay up into the early hours of the morning reading a good book. (His favourite horror novelist is a Kamishiba called Claire - but her stories are notoriously hard to get hold of.)
  • When he's exploring he lives out of a tent and eats a lot of junk food he buys at markets. The boy does not know how to take care of himself properly - he needs more sleep and better food.