Rafael WANT GONE's Comments

Ooo Rafael is actually quite cute! Are the a sale or freebie? Either or is fine with me rn hehe

they are waiting to be transferred DX

Oh okie! Would it be rude of me to ask if I could have both Ziggy and Rafael though? They're both really cute and I would love to add them into my stores DX If not both then I'm okay with either or because guess what? Thanks so much for even considering! Giving out stuff for free especially really neat characters is such a kind act and I value people who do that! If I make a whitelist you'll be on of the first on there ;)

gah I said rafael is waiting to be transferred, I should've been specific >.< they are waiting to be accepted by their new owners, both ziggy and rafael

Ah damn that's a shame! No matter thank you either way hehe!