


3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Owlflutter.

Age: Around 25 moons.

Gender: Female.

Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic.

Role: Warrior.

Appearance: Owlflutter is a cream, white and lavender tortiseshell she-cat with naturally curly round fur and a missing hind leg. She has soft brown eyes.

Personality: Owlflutter’s calm, quiet and very resilient. She doesn’t speak all that much, preferring to stay on the sidelines since she views herself as a side character to the other members of her clan. The only time she makes herself really noticeable is when she occasionally acts without thinking things through, despite her best efforts to suppress this. The idea of doing something irreversible without planning it first terrifies her. Owlflutter loves helping people and often neglects her own well-being intentionally and unintentionally.

Worst Fear: Acting without thinking and breaking things in a way she can’t reverse.

Brief History: N/A as of yet.

Relationships: N/A as of yet.

Commission Notes: She was born without a back leg, so it’s completely rounded off. She walks with a bit of a hobble, but otherwise it hardly affects her physical abilities.

Character Log: Bought on the 1st of August as an adopt by Swiftfire on WA for 250ac.