


3 years, 10 months ago


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Name: Flintrose

Future Names: N/A

Age: 47 Moons

Gender/Pronouns: Trans Female(she/her)

Clan: Geyserclan

Rank: Medicine Cat

Orientation: Asexual Lesbian

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Family Info

 Parents: N/A

 Siblings: N/A

 Mate: Goosebubble(she/her)

 Kits: N/A

 Other: N/A

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 RP Information

Flintkit was born as the sole survivor to two siamese warriors, Mother Frostfang and Father Mountainstag. Only she referred to them as such, as she was the only kit that survived for the tragic couple. Although quite young, the two faced many stillborns before and after Flintrose’s survival. By this point, their once upbeat and joyous attitudes soured away into ones of contempt and sorrow. These losses taught the parents to not trust each other, nor any cat for that matter. At first, they received pity for their struggles, yet this grew into what they perceived as mocking. Mocking them for their trauma. Both parents made a conscious effort to distance themselves from Flintkit, unable to gaze into the kit’s eyes without thoughts of stillborn kits clouding their minds. 

Flintrose grew with the knowledge of her stillborn siblings, and even now feels guilt being the sole survivor. As a kit, she was much more outgoing and, well, kind. The more time she spent around her parents, the more she shifted into being just like them. Frostfang’s cold attitude and Mountainstag’s manipulative tactics festered and grew in the child. By the time she was an apprentice though, they wouldn’t allow her to become a medicine cat like she wanted, so she began training as a warrior apprentice.

She hated the life of a warrior. Her mentor, although he tried to help her enjoy training, failed miserably. She hated having to catch prey, disliked the brutish training of fighting, and all together caught no interest in a life without herbs. She could have probably contributed more to her training sessions, but why would she? Being a warrior was horrible! Geyserstar noticed this growing disdain and proposed an offer to the young shecat. He first consulted with her parents, and held off from offering the medicine apprentice role after their aggressive denouncing of the idea. After another moon of suffering, he asked for her agreement and switched her role anyhow, much to Frostfang and Mountainstag’s surprise. She started training at the age of eight moons.

Now as a medicine cat apprentice, Flintpaw’s sharp wit and excellent memory excelled in the new environment. Her mentor, Rosettefern, taught well, yet they rushed the training with her due to her late transition into the life of medicine. She didn’t mind the quick pace, and she was able to grasp onto the concepts they taught her. This was prior to Springclan cats discovering more practical purposes for certain herbs, yet current ones worked nonetheless. Soon enough, Flintrose transitioned and became a medicine cat of Geyserclan. After transitioning, Flintrose grew fearful of her parents’ response to her orientation, thus why she still isn’t out to this day. Their responses weren’t pleasant to say the least, but many cats supported her anyhow. 

At her first gathering, she was introduced to the newly apprenticed Oleanderpaw. The two clicked instantly, which was surprising considering her somewhat chilling mannerisms. He didn’t mind how she acted, so she grew warm around him. Nowadays, they’re extraordinarily close, and funnily enough admire the opposing current leader. 

Flintrose was lucky to have been a quick learner, for the loss of Rosettefern was sooner than expected. Of course, many moons were spent with the two working side by side, yet Flintrose at least expected them to retire in the elders’ den, not in Starclan’s meadows. With the early death fresh in her mind, she started making common outings to their territory, particularly as far as she could get. She had few cats to connect to, so she connected to their land. One travel left her by Springclan’s border, where a border patrol yapped at her for picking some stonecrop. Although she was clearly on the right side of the border, a warrior defended her honor and offered to assist with the herb picking. The rest of the partiers left the sympathetic warrior to assist the grief-ridden medicine cat. They talked once they left, suddenly finding more than one similarity between them. Funnily enough, Flintrose forgot to even ask for her name that evening, but found the warrior at the following gathering. Goosebubble introduced themselves quickly, already familiar with the medicine cat by that point. Gathering meetings turned into border sightings turned into daily visits, and eventually a loving bond formed between them. 

Flintrose rarely had crushes beforehand, those feelings suppressed by her family and her job as a medicine cat. Her mentor never had a mate, so she aspired to do the same. This also was her awakening, which shocked her to the core. Eventually, Goosebubble proposed to Flintrose using the ring upon her paw to this day. She never knew of the twoleg equivalent, she just thought her mate would enjoy the little trinket. Flintrose clearly said yes, yet the two remained private due to the warrior code. Much to Flintrose’s dismay, her dear friend caught her and her estranged lover after one of the halfmoon gatherings. He promised to not tell a soul, and the medicine cat trusts her close confidant deeply. He’s also well-aware of her hiding her orientation, and hasn’t told a soul. Although… he has crashed certainly more than one of their dates, which she gets prickly about. 

Sometime before Geyserstar’s retirement, soon after the death of Rosettefern, she had still been trying to get a footing as the sole medicine cat. He had been wounded severely, and delicate work only could prevent him losing a life. She tried desperately to save her beloved leader, yet try as she might, he lost a life. She never intended for this outcome, and he still had lives remaining, yet she sorrowfully apologized for her failure to save him. It went to the point where she resigned herself from distractions, yet this was before Goosebubble’s entrance. Of course, she lets herself roam the territory now, but still holds herself to high standards. 

Geyserstar’s retirement was something Flintrose had been aware of for a while, yet she still doesn’t like Harebellstar’s promotion. They’re far less mature than Geyserstar, and their lack of a grasp on Geyserclan is embarrassing for the medicine cat. She wishes Geyserstar remained as leader for long enough for quite literally any other cat. Oleanderchase likes Harebellstar, which Flintrose just doesn’t understand.

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 Appearance: Flintrose is a taller-than average siamese shecat with smoky colorpoint markings. Her general body is, for the most part, an egg-white hue. Her black fur has a sheen and a slight blush is prevalent on her cheeks. She has a rose earpiece and a golden ring on her forepaw, both created by and with twoleg jewelry. She has narrow golden eyes, which match the trinkets.


Flintrose is a cold and pessimistic medicine cat, unafraid to be selfish from time to time. She’s always on guard, even around her own clanmates, raised to never trust any cat. As a result, she only perfectly heals those she has a liking for. She’s never quite let someone die on her(at least willingly… probably), but the temptation is strong. Her humor is severely skewed, although she does make an effort to not entirely gross out others. She finds slight joy in joking about the afterlife and those within it, not having many boundaries when it comes to affecting others. She has a keen grasp on the brilliant art of manipulation. Usually able to influence warriors to ignore her long times of departure from camp, she’s able to explore the territory without much of a care and a very severe lack of interference. As a result, she’ll regularly visit her beloved in Springclan, a warrior named Goosebubble. She also visits in with the Lakeclan medicine cat, Oleanderchase, who is a close friend of hers.

Her knowledge on her herbs is vast and impressive. She willingly took on the knowledge that Hazestar(previously Hazedrip) unearthed and used it to expand upon herbs from Geyserclan. She uses the warm water to soothe joints and rehabilitate those with limps. She’s also learned something not very related to her job. The geysers hold immense power and pressure, so she takes it upon herself to break stones found alongside Springclan territory and reveal the gorgeous gems within. Of course, not every rock successfully reveals her oh so desired jewels, but every once and a while, she’ll return home with an eye-alluring treasure. Her paws are quite powerful, so bringing them to and from camp isn’t too difficult. 

She’s unable to handle incompetent cats, and holds others to a high standard. She lets her guard down at kits slightly, but even then she believes kits should learn rapidly and expects parents to provide everything necessary at a quick pace. Mature cats particularly please her, and she particularly listens to them in comparison to other felines. Her leader is particularly immature in her mind, shaming Geyserstar’s image during their leadership. She can’t help but look down upon the cat, but she’s willing to hide her true feelings for simplicities’ sake. She’s kind with all fellow medicine cats, at least for the time being. She’s scared of having to train a cat beneath her, and is abstaining from mentoring anytime soon.

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VC: Maggie Robertson (Lady Dimitrescu, Resident Evil 8: Village)

AF Profile: https://artfight.net/character/2302292.flintrose