Minsu 민수



3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Her clothes aren't limited to just the ones on the reference, anything on or like her pinterest broad is okay for her clothes I'm just too lazy to draw them all OTL


Theme by

Kim Minsu 김민수


Kim Minsu | 김민수
Female (She/Her)
July 31st
Collage student

Positive | Neutral | Negative
Charisma ( 72% )
Intuition ( 56% )
Self Control ( 22% )
Resilience ( 67% )
Sociability ( 95% )
Reliability ( 70% )


Is surprisingly a heavyweight drinker, she doesn't get drunk easily and is often the one coordinating vehicles for others at the end of the night.

Has a short self-published book under a pen name that has a small cult following. She wrote it when she was 19 and is now embarrassed by it but is honored it found a community that loves it so much.

Has a bad addiction to gacha games and has spent more money than she’ll ever admit on them.

Minsu could easily be classified as the standard “rich girl” at first glance and nothing more. While she is lucky enough to be born into a place of fortune (and sometimes takes advantage of this), she has mostly avoided becoming a snobby upper-class individual. As the daughter of two real estate tycoons, Minsu has had life extremely easy with anything she’s ever needed given to her without much question. Her family is very picture-perfect; unfortunately, the picture is not complete most of the year.

She is the only child of her parents, and despite it never being said, it has always come across as if they had wished she had been born a boy to carry on the family's name and legacy. Her mother could not go through another pregnancy due to health concerns a few years after Minsu was born, and the realization her parents had that they would never get their perfect son seemed to be the final rift of spite between her and her parents. Around the time Minsu was 12, their presence seemed to vanish entirely from home. There was always some big business trip they needed to attend or a fancy vacation that Minsu could not come on because she was “just too young right now” and “maybe next year dear.” Only next year came, and it was still excuses, and then the next, and eventually, she just stopped asking and let her parents leave without a word so they could enjoy life without the reminder of their failure that they apparently thought she was.

With Minsu’s parents gone so much, she was enrolled into one of the fanciest schools in the area that had a boarding option and left to do whatever she pleased. Her natural talent for remembering information allowed her to do well on most tests, and because she was well-behaved in school, she could get away with more activities that would otherwise be considered delinquent behavior. In high school, she was often involved in the party crowd and, on more occasions than she likes to admit, has ended up going to school hungover or skipping entirely because she got carried away.

She is now in college studying law and is engaged to the family heir of another company, a fact that her parents had failed to mention for the first 18 years of her life, and she suspects was on purpose to thwart any rebellious behavior. Minsu has cut back on her party girl reputation since high school but still attends a few too more than her parents would approve of if they knew. She likes to write in her free time and, truthfully, would enjoy that more than the career that has been picked for her.


Fancy parties as well as clubbing/raves

Bees- collects bee themed items

Thrifting and sustainable fashion

Romance novels- ironic, she knows

Video games- RPGs especially


Being compared to others

Her parents





Even though Jaeseong and Minsu are in an arranged engagement, they hold no hatred towards each other and see themselves as very close friends. Their initial meeting had nothing to do with their future, and for a long time, they didn’t even know that the other was their fiancé. They met in Europe, where Jaeseong was attending his second year of college and Minsu her first as an exchange student for the year. They hit it off quickly and were close friends by the third month of knowing each other. After a few more months, they finally realized WHO the other person fully was and what it meant for their friendship in the long run. They were both very awkward for a couple of days until they finally snapped and came out to each other simultaneously, Minsu being aroace and Jaeseong being “insufferably gay,” to quote him. It resulted in a big laugh, an agreement that they would stay engaged to please the parents, and a lifelong bond of friendship and care that could withstand anything.