Yua Quirse's Comments

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Name: Bluebell 

Nickname: She has many nicknames but she loves Bell the most.  

Gender: female 

Age: 17


Bluebell is a very gentle soul. She is quite


Has a cat name Juniper

She is mute 


Works at a salon.



She loves to do her hair in a different style each day. 

Cuddly animals.



Friends & family 

To look up at the stars








Winter (Best Friend - https://toyhou.se/593081.winter#2607420

Winter & Bell have been best friends since they were very young. 

They think of themselves more as sisters than friends. 

And honestly, most people think they are. 

Rover (Brother - https://toyhou.se/788882.rover#2867752

Bell & Rover are very close. They have always loved playing together. 

When they were younger they would play pirates out in the backyard, and sail the seven seas.


Bluebell grew up in the most spectacular city where everything you could ever imagen exists right before your eyes. 

Where the city is made up of strawberry bubblegum and the air smells of honey. 

There are such things like frozen tear candy as clear as crystal. 

And chocolate bunnies that are actually alive. 

The wonders there are endless. 

Dewdrop city is protected by a shield of cherry soda. 

They also have men created out of snow.

Most of the families live in one home with as many as five stories.

Dewdrop city believes in a world for all creatures/species.

Queen candy had been ruling over Dewdrop city from the age of 18. 

She loves this city and its people with her whole heart. 

her majesty would gladly give her life for her people. 

Bluebell friend of the queen's daughter Willow

Is Willow's best friend. 

Thank you for your entry, but I chose another! 

Name: Yua Quirse

Age: 9

Birthdate: February 14th

Gender: Fluid

Pronouns: Will respond to any, and often alternates for themselves

Personality: Yua is very optimistic, and has trouble seeing both the negatives of situations and the bad in anyone. Cuddly and open, they are a very good listener and try to make themselves open to anyone they call a friend at all times. They're perseverant, and it takes an extreme beating to get her to give up on anything. With a very empathetic nature, she often feels based on what those around her do, and responds accordingly to be a healer. Even though he has a very soft demeanor and is almost always gentle, Yua is not gullible in the slightest. He acts almost like a living lie detector, and is very selective with who he chooses to let close. He's very good at sensing compatibility between those he knows, and can be a bit of a matchmaker at times.

Yua has a bit of a "sickly sweet" demeanor - that is to say, they have so much affectionate to go around that it can come off a bit obsessive. In a sense, they are obsessive; they remember every wrong ever done to them and find it difficult to forgive + let things go. Being as empathetic as she is can get very painful at times, and it leads to sudden periods of isolation in which she attempts to recalibrate. Her morals, motives and emotions often get mixed with that of those around her, and the longer they are in groups the harder it is for her to make decision. He's highly sensitive and has a tendency to take every little remark personally, attaching a gravity to situations that are quite lighthearted. This doesn't mean he is negative or cynical, but it does mean he throws himself into everything with an intensity that can be taken the wrong way. He has quite a lot of trouble differentiating between platonic and romantic feelings, and could be considered as having a crush on everyone at one point or another. Oftentimes he just doesn't understand why people must get upset at each other or why there is wrong in the world.

Extra facts: Their absolute favorites flavors and foods are strawberries, chocolate, and bubblegum. Combining the three is an added plus.

Yua is deaf and mute, and communicates primarily through writing or sign language. She is fluent in ASL, LSE and LSF, and is always trying to learn more + expand her vocabulary. She absolutely despises it when people underestimate or demean her simply because she is HoH.

He has an extremely large stuffed animal collection, and is always picking up more from shops and friends.

You won! Sending them over now

Thank you so, so much . . . I've always wanted a starbite . . .