


4 years, 1 month ago


"EvEry bEIng hAS a feAr! If You sAy yoU dOn't, I'll sUrEly fiNd iT!"

Full name: Temmie

Real name: ?????

Died: 1990

Appearance: A rather small Jester (No more than 4 ft) with a big smile and swirly eyes.

Alias: Tem Tem, Tabbie, Runt

Occupation: Jester, Nightmare demon

Powers/Skills: Is able to shapeshift into anyone's fears or phobias, and cause hallucinations. His tail also have small sharp teeth, that it uses to defend Tem

Weakness: Temmie can only survive off of fear, with no fear, he'll eventually starve no matter what else he eats. His small height can also make it hard to take him seriously

Hobbies: Terrorizing the residents of hell and the living world to the point of insanity

Goals: He's just trying to survive

Crimes: Caused many demons including people in the real world to go insane from fear. 

Story: What happens if Pennywise and a jester have a kid? You get Temmie! Where and how did this fellow die? No one knows, some say the little psychopath forced his way into hell! Temmie's one and only thing in life is to survive, and how does he do that? By feeding off of fear. 

With his shapeshifting and hallucination abilities, Tem is able to terrorize not only people in hell, but somehow he is able to get into the living world! From turning himself into a big scary dog, to making someone feel like they're drowning, Tem shows no mercy in making someone scream their heart out. It was said he's even gotten his grubby little hands on a few overlords! While he doesn't physically attack anyone, he has still made quite the terrifying title for himself. While they may not know what it is that scares them so much, there's one thing people dead and alive always remember and always warn others about: Beware the swirly eyes

Likes: Fear, Cookies, Lots of places to hide

dislikes: Rodents, anyone calling him a kid, his height

Relationships: Has a boyfriend who he loves dearly

Personality: It's no surprise Tem's behavior is pure utter chaos. Even the way he speaks is rather strange and almost hard to understand! With his title in hell, Temmie is also a rather cocky fellow, loving to point out his victims "I scared the shit out of the bastard last week and he's still crying in the corner!" His big ego probably has something to do with his insecurities of his small height. Tem hates being called a child, and being treated as one at that. 

Though he may seem rather harmless and downright friendly, don't let those pink cheeks and big smile fool you, for he has a rather negative view on the world, believing friendship and world peace is ridiculous and a waste of time, and the only way to live is to be the bigger monster so others won't fuck with you.