


3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Amon
Age: 12 (built to be mid 30s)
Gender: Nonbinary (He/Him)
Height: 6'1"
Species: Android
Nationality: None
Languages: Most human languages and computer codes
Occupation: Former soldier/special agent; current wanderer, guard
Significant Other: Ila (see her post apocalypse verse)


  • Enhanced speed, strength, endurance, stamina, durability, vision
  • Master of hand to hand combat, guns, and weapons. This includes creating traps, repairing guns, or if he never used the weapon before.
    • Right forearm has a built in gun, left forearm has a combat knife, left shoulder has a small mounted laser (mostly for stealth)
    • Weapons always on person include: two hand guns and a taser knife. All other weapons' availability depends on resources or procuring them on site. 
  • Has night and thermal vision
  • Hands free interaction with technology via a cord on his neck where his "mind"/cpu can control a device or even communicate with other AI. This also allows him to hack databases, learn about the program, search information, and go online (if possible). 

First impressions, Amon would be what one would expect from an android super soldier; not much of a talker, good with guns, stoic expression, and efficient at his job. While he's good at completing tasks, that doesn't mean he will follow direct orders. When he wants to do something, he does it in "best" way possible, which is usually his way. Amon's expansive knowledge and calculative abilities, while helpful, made him a bit confident in his own plans. If unexpected events occur and chance was not on his side, it does urk him a little. 

However, at the end of the day, Amon is not all that scary. The unknown, unpredictability, his own mortality, and beings he can't fight efficiently (like ghosts) are the few things in life he worries about but dare not tell anyone. With his inexperience of life outside of war, he is curious about the world around him, before the war and after. He has tons of knowledge in his data bases, but to see and experience different aspects of the world is another ordeal.

Amidst all of his destructive capabilities, Az (his creator) is a nerd who modeled Amon after the Terminator and other action movies. Hence, Amon's attachment to his shades and penchant for one liners and big weapons. Due to the way he speaks, his voice sounds quite monotone. Coupled with how serious he can be, he can take and say words quite literally. However, he isn’t completely devoid of humor. There are times when he tries to make sarcastic quips, but his voice is so dry, it can be hard to tell if he’s joking or not. He knows this, and does this on purpose. 

Background & Current Story
Amon was created for the sole purpose of being the perfect soldier. He is completely mechanical with a complex AI wired to make lightning fast, perfect decisions in battle. He was never initially designed to be completely coldblooded, but meddling with higher ups forced Az to repress his personality. And as a result, Amon never had the chance outside of battle to properly experience the world outside of conflict. Once society met it's collapse, the chain of command broken apart, he was left to roam with no other purpose than to continue the only thing he knows: war. During this time period, it was considered blasphemous to want to take a break from his orders of continued warfare. He regularly attacked strongholds which he perceives as threats, and that included civilians and bandits alike. Sure, he would take short breaks here and there, do some sidetracking for supplies and repairs, but he does all of that with the excuse it’ll go towards completing his mission. He knows he was stuck because there is no one left except Az to manually override those orders, but the way that he’s programmed won’t allow him to cease. He was to be a tool for the military first and an individual second, so it was imperative that he was wired to be determined in his jobs. But since hints of Az’s original code, the one that wanted him to be an individual, the one who is curious, who loves movies and learning, still show up every now and then, and that is the one who wants to break free.  

After years wandering the wastelands, Az finally catches up to Amon. With some planning, a rag tag group of survivors, and Ila, they manage to temporarily subdue the android to be rewired. With the constant fog berating him to go fight now gone from his mind, Amon can finally breath. Little by little, he tried to help around the settlement the group were staying at the time. Learning how to plant, aiding with scavenging, lifting, and naturally, protecting the people. But all that time spent in battle, he was tired of hurting others. He would continue to hold a gun to protect more lives, but he doesn't want it to be all that he's good for. Unlike the humans and Ila, all he was built to do was to cause destruction. One would think he'd be envious of them because of that, and a little of that emotion is there, but what he mostly feels is admiration. Especially seeing Ila's capabilities and how she became crucial to taking Amon down, he looked up to her the most. 

The worth of the android lies in its function, but even in all its usefulness it will never achieve life, something even a useless flower can do.

In essence, she is the complete opposite of him, and he grew to love her all the more for it.