



“Did you know that pride and respect come at a price? Mine was my humanity.”


A young Earth dragon tricked into losing his dragonstone. Eager to prove that manaketes can fight, even without using dragonstones. Though bold and vainglorious, he’s actually quite weak-willed and obedient. The friendliest to every bug. Born on 2/11.

Lost without even a dragonstone, he’s become quite meek and submissive, but when he can get away with being prideful and bossy, he can and will. He’s not quite as intact as a person could be, but he’s not as far gone as the rest of his moribundly prideful Earth manaketes. (After all, he went from civilized to feral and back. He’s not quite rehabilitated all the way... yet.) The Fire Emblem being complete again doesn’t help, either: he’s now sluggish and weak, feeble and unable to fight back in most cases, even when equipped with a dragonstone.

As a manakete:

  • Overweight
  • Oily
  • Scarred all over
  • Clearly doesn’t take care of himself
  • Covered in dirt

As a dragon (using an Earthstone):

  • Pointy
  • Craggy
  • Porous (like a lava rock)
  • Scaly, layered in a way that resembles feathers
  • Still covered in dirt
  • Born (hatched?) long, long ago, in Archanea.
  • Lived a quiet life until the war with the Divine Dragons. He did not take up arms. (He repeatedly slept right through the Divine Dragons’ warnings to make Dragonstones.)
  • Sealed in the Dragon’s Table without much resistance; he enjoys sleeping anyway...
  • Sleeps for lifetimes. Awakens when the seal on the Dragon’s Table is broken.
  • Confused and upset, he is tricked into giving up his power to a sorcerer. Said sorcerer proceeds to sell the newly-formed Earthstone to a blacksmith who makes a sword decorated with the stone.
  • Some more stuff happens that I have to figure out...

Upon the separation of the five spheres from the Fire Emblem, he stirred and finally awoke, but he was still impressionable enough to be misled into giving up his powers.

  • The sorcerer’s apprentice, a nobleman’s son, frees pentacles after seeing the hardships that the sorcerer put pentacles through.
  • Write more words, dammit!

General Technical Info

Manakete (New Mystery of the Emblem variant) ↔ Earth Dragon (New Mystery of the Emblem variant) or Mage Dragon (New Mystery of the Emblem variant)

Wyvern Rider (New Mystery of the Emblem variant) → Malig Knight or Wyvern Lord (Fates variant)

Archer (New Mystery of the Emblem variant) → Kinshi Knight or Sniper (Fates variant)

Stat Growth Rates

Personal/Base 45% 25% 5% 25% 10% 5% 25% 5%
Manakete* 95% 45% 10% 45% 30% 5% 40% 20%
Earth Dragon 105% 75% 5% 105% 90% 5% 75% 25%
Mage Dragon 105% 75% 30% 105% 70% 5% 75% 25%
Wyvern Rider 45% 25% 5% 25% 10% 5% 25% 5%
Malig Knight 45% 25% 5% 25% 10% 5% 25% 5%
Wyvern Lord 45% 25% 5% 25% 10% 5% 25% 5%
Archer 45% 25% 5% 25% 10% 5% 25% 5%
Kinshi Knight 45% 25% 5% 25% 10% 5% 25% 5%
Sniper 45% 25% 5% 25% 10% 5% 25% 5%
*Class growth rate bonuses here are accurate to Awakening, but otherwise, Pentacles in the Manakete class should function as any Manakete would in New Mystery of the Emblem, except he only has access to magestones and earthstones.

Personal Skill: Telluric Roar - When initiating combat, (SKL÷4 + STR÷4) chance of halving the target's STR until its next attack.

Odd Rhythm, Wyrmsbane (equipped)Canto*, Strength +2, Lunge, Savage Blow, Trample, Rally Defense, Swordbreaker, Skill +2, Quick Draw, Air Superiority, Amaterasu, Certain Blow, Bowfaire (potential/pool, unlearned/unequipped)

*Canto is available only when in mounted classes.




  • Terse speaker. Isn't very eloquent; frequently makes comparisons to concepts, events, and feelings to express his thoughts.
  • Can't fly.
  • Unemployed.
  • Hobbies include bug catching (his favorites are fireflies and swallowtail butterflies), baking, and weight lifting.
  • Warm-blooded but likes sunbathing anyway.
  • One-quarter Mage Dragon, three-quarters Earth Dragon. (change this?)
  • Associated Major Arcana: Tower
  • Associated Minor Arcana: Four of Pentacles