Sahriya "Suru" Caldwell



7 years, 3 months ago





Sahriya "Suru" Caldwell

5' 8''

28 years old

Human (Witch)

Cis Female (She/Her)


Demisexual (Pan)






Theme by Circlejourney

"A nature witch with a bonus: can punch." -Kaimeya


Suru is a witch with a specialization in potion-making and nature magics. She runs an enchanted flower shop with the help of her best friend (a man cursed to be a werehynea), and an actual god of life. She, along with her group of friends, are helping to rebuild an old forest community known affectionately by the group as "Camphor."

Suru is one of my least changed characters! Appearance wise, she only has had minor changes to her, although her personality got a bit of a make-over over the years! She's a lot less anxious than she used to be, and her backstory got a major work up, as well.


A slender, athletically built witch with strong shoulders and warm, medium-brown skin. Her skin is adorned with freckles; most notably on her face and shoulders. Her eyes are a russet brown. She has kinky black hair that is often worn in a ponytail that can also be drawn relaxed.

She often wears a necklace gifted to her by her brother, Sindri- usually silver as the base, with various gemstones inlaid into it. Her most common outfit is a dark blue, almost black camisole that is folded at the bottom with a leaf motif on it, a blue bolero-type shirt with a collar and loosely tied together, dark red leggings, and dark beige boots.


Suru is very much a go-with-the-flow kind of individual for the most part. It's only when she's stuck on a "project" of hers that her drive is apparent. Though she's quiet, her voice has a cadence that tends to grab people's attention. She does have a few anxious tendencies that she tries her best to hide, as they frustrate her to no end, but they do creep up on her sometimes. Aggressive people in particular tend to make her nervous if directed towards her. When standing up for a friend, however, that anxiety dissolves. Suru is very much a "leave no person behind" kind of individual, and will do whatever it takes to keep everyone together.


  • Experimentation
  • Bees & Flowers
  • Her familiar, Aysun


  • Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
  • Thunderstorms
  • Anxiety


Suru was the first born to Nadia and Nikita Caldwell, two witches who decided to start a family. She doesn't remember much from early life, only that her little sibling was born very sickly.

Suru grew up alongside her younger brother, Sindri, and her even younger cousin, Aristide, who became more like a brother to the two than anything else. She shared a close relationship with both her mothers; Nikita, who always encouraged the magic within her daughter, and Nadia, who helped foster her love of potion-brewing. It was her Aunt Margo, however, that gave her her love of plants. The Caldwells would visit their farm frequently, and Suru often loved to play in the garden with the pretty flowers. Over time, she learned to care for them, and for all the other plants on the farm.

Suru's first and only familiar, Aysun, came to her at the age of 18. It started with her being followed home after going out- until one day the little creature showed up in her house. Her mothers were delighted to find out their daughter had her first familiar, and let Aysun feel right at home.

She was a very bright student in school- all of her teachers loved her. When she went on to college, she went for a bachelor's in botony. There, she met Safiya, a fellow witch who ended up rooming with her. She was introduced to her familiar, Itsuki, and the two of them (later the three, when it was discovered that Itsuki wasn't a typical familiar) became fast friends. She kept in close touch with her family during her time at college, speaking to at least one of her family members almost every day.

Suru graduated and went on to open up her own enchanted flower shop in Crescut, a city known for its healing fountain. She was thrilled to discover that Safiya ended up in the same city; when Saf made her own coven, Suru joined readily.

About a year into settling into Crescut, Suru came across a haunted man by the name of Calibur. She could sense his curse a mile away (after having become familiar with Itsuki's) and struck a deal- he would help her in her shop, and she would help him find a cure. He was... difficult to get to know, at first, but once he opened up, him and Suru became very close. She now considers him one of her best friends.


Sindri Caldwell

Suru's younger brother. Despite not living in the same city, she always makes an effort to see him when she can. She loves him dearly, and accidentally got him briefly instagram famous when she posted a picture of him and herself. Suru often gets him to confront his emotions when he has trouble doing so himself.

Aristide Hawthorne

Suru's younger cousin, although they're more like siblings than anything else. Suru shares a close bond with him, and is often his go-to for advice. She's letting him stay at her place while he goes to college in Crescut.


Suru's best friend. He has a habit of making her feel at ease and safe despite her anxiety. Calibur helps her man her flower shop, and a lot of her house plants were things that he found while out in the forest. They often go on walks together and enjoy nature. She's determined to help him break his curse.


Suru's best friend. They were roommates in college and have been friends ever since. Suru helped catalyze Safiya's exploration into witchcraft. They often pull shenanigans together, and are often the voices of reason for each other when they need to hear it. She had a small crush on the witch while in college, but seems to have moved past it now.


Suru's friend. They met while her and Safiya were in college, seeing as he is Safiya's familiar. She used to leave books out for him to read and the TV on for him to watch when he was stuck as a crow. Similar to Calibur's case, Suru is working with Safiya to help Itsuki break his curse.


-She runs an enchanted flower shop in Crescut; her flowers are thought to bring various good fortunes.

-Her house is an absolute menagerie of plants- she treats them all like most would treat a pet, and has names for every single one. She has enchanted different parts of her house to be able to accommodate their various needs, and she (of course) has a greenhouse attached to her home.

-Magic isn't the only thing she's good at. She can hold her own in a fight, and while she doesn't have any particular style, she can pack quite a punch when she wants to. She also has pretty good endurance, as she can keep up with Calibur most days

-Tea is by far her favorite beverage. It's rare for her to go a day without drinking it. Her favorite brew is earl grey with a bit of honey and lemon.

-Suru's witchcraft specializes in plant magic and potion-making.