I candyfloss I Shaylee ▼



3 years, 10 months ago



"Reading is escaping into endless worlds"

Name Shaylee Bree McCoy
Species Candyfloss
Flavor trufflefloss
Gender Female
Age 9 (27 human years)
Height 5'1
Clan Theta
Ability Invisibility
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Relationship single
Occupation Liberian/ Writer


  • romance novels
  • writing/ reading
  • strawberry milkshake with dark choco chips
  • solitude
  • naps
  • cleanliness / organization 


  • bullying
  • crowds
  • loud noises
  • being social
  • messes

Intelligent . Soft-spoken . Gentle-natured . Inquisitive

Shaylee McCoy or “Shay” has always been a gentle soul even when she was bullied in her youth. Born and raised in Beta territory due to her mother being Beta, the prejudice against Theta was always a weight on her shoulders. Often, she would set herself apart from her peers and curl up with a book. The stories a welcome escape for her that she never grew out of. Instead her fascination with literature and learning only grew. Graduating College with a degree in Greek Literature with a perfect GPA. Currently she is working as a Librarian and lives in the tower of the older library. In her spare time, she is writing her own romance novel, using an old typewriter instead of a computer. And though she has never been in love herself she has always been a hopeless romantic.
Shay is always soft spoken and shies away from anyone new unless she is working. She really doesn’t have friends, and often spends her time in solitude. One of her favorite snacks, is a strawberry milkshake with dark chocolate chips.  So, she is usually stalked to make her favorite treat. She can be quite obsessed with keeping everything clean and tidy. Organizing all her own books in alphabetical order like the library she lives on top of.


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