
Adoption: Nursery, #123a
Name Meaning: "Water"
Pride Status: Next Queen
Mutations: Large - Water Elemental, Medium - Tail
Special Abilities/Personality:
(+) Level-headed, never gets upset at anyone for anything, goes with the flow (pun fully intended), really good at reading others and their needs (kinda therapist-ish)
(-) Kind of known for compromising a little too much (but that's what the council is for, right?), rarely trusts herself/her instincts (indecisive), sometimes neglects herself to go above and beyond for others (doesn't know how to say no)
Never thirsty, basically a water bender
Family Relations: Daughter of Umhlinzeki and Ukwazi, mate of Isihambi, mother of Muhle, Konakele, Onakekelayo, Usomaqhinga, and the Taken Two
Breeding Slots: Used, Used, Open
Relevant Lore: Becomes heir here, her view on Isihambi here, her view on the stars here, mentioned here, her life changing moment here, her children here, conversation with Ubuciko here 
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