


4 years, 1 month ago


(Gentle-: Named for his mother who died when he was only a few moons old; -breeze: for the gust of wind that followed as he entered camp)

Age: 64 moons (25 @ creation, first post at 2/8/19)

Rank: CliffClan Deputy

Gender: Trans Tom, He/Him

Sexuality: Gay Demisexual



Fur color and markings: Fawn tabby with white muzzle, mane, underbelly, tail tip, and legs

Fur length: Long

Size: Smaller than average, bulky

Genotype: ll / b1b1 / XoXo / dd / AA / McMc / ii / CC / Wsw

Scars/Extras: None

Allegiance Description: A long-furred, fawn tabby Siberian tom with a white muzzle, mane, underbelly, legs, tail tip, and pale green eyes.



+ Reliable, Sweet, Playful

= Emotional, Soft, Unaggressive

- Impulsive, Timid, Clumsy



Gentlekit was born an only kit to Brackenfall and Softsong, two reliable and strong warriors trusted and praised for their battle prowess and fighting spirit. Unfortunately, Softsong had stopped producing milk after a while and he had to be nursed by a permaqueen alive at the time. After he was weaned, she coddled him and snuggled him, inviting him to the life of caring about others closely and letting peace rule his heart and mind, while Brackenfall visited sparingly to watch his kit grow steadily. They waited for some time to name him, afraid there would be something wrong with him later on in his life.
Unfortunately, Softsong would not be in his life for long, as during a patrol to drive out some foxes near the territory, the poor molly was ripped to shreds by one. Once they brought back the remains of her body, Brackenfall rushed in to visit his kit and named him Gentlekit, to honor his mother and hold her memory in him.

As an apprentice, he and Rowanpaw were close, and the two only grew closer as they trained together, along with Cedarpaw, who had joined the Clan not too long after their apprentice ceremony. The three were a tight-knit group of troublemakers, with either Cedarpaw or Gentlepaw leading the charge. Rowanpaw more or less followed because he wanted to make sure his friends would at least try to stay safe as they explored and adventured. Rowanpaw had always seemed to be rather stand-offish to Gentlepaw, but he figured that it was just a matter of time before the tom cheered up! Of course, this wouldn’t come to pass, as when Rowanpaw took his trial, with his sibling Nightpaw, only Rowanpaw returned and got his name. From that moment on, Gentlepaw vowed to keep the newly-named Rowanstorm happy, along with their friend Cedarpaw.

Gentlepaw had begun to make his name known as the apprentice doomed to fail, though his group mentors tried their best with the apprentice. They mostly focused on Cedarpaw, despite him having been an outsider prior. This didn’t deter Gentlepaw from trying! He did his best and still made it to his survival trial on time with his friend

When Cedarpaw and Gentlepaw took their survival trial, the two had gotten separated and lost each other on the mountain. Gentlepaw thought for sure that Cedarpaw had died and was brokenhearted, but knew that despite all of his shortcomings and hardships, he was going to continue to survive for him, for Cedarpaw, and for Rowanstorm. And so he did. In typical Gentlepaw fashion, he survived as well as he could, and though he knew he was late, he still made it to camp, but not before tripping over his own paws. Gentlepaw had lost his footing as he was making his way back and stumbled, rolling in and crashing into camp followed by a gust of wind. And thus, Gentlebreeze got his name.

As a warrior, he didn’t really do too much of note besides spend time with his dad, his friends, and on occasion, the queens. He spent a number of days with the new arrivals, who at the time were called Jenga and Valentine. He watched the kittens grow up and get older, becoming close to two of Valentine’s, then renamed Tawnycloud’s, kittens; Sparkpaw and Minkpaw. On a particularly lazy day, the young Minkpaw had come to him with some concerns and feelings, and after a bit of talking and personal stories, Minkpaw realized he was a trans kitten, embracing this new part of his life. Sparkpaw also came to him, but more or less something different; the tom just wanted to try and talk through his feelings of jealousy towards Minkpaw, and Gentlebreeze helped with that too.

Being given Minkpaw as his apprentice and watching the two brothers grow up, he couldn’t help but lean on his friends and family as he trained the smaller tom, watching him and his siblings learn and grow and just feeling very brotherly towards them. When the numerous apprentices left for their survival trial, Gentlebreeze’s heart ached and pained as he sat back, worked on his duties, and fretted over them. Of course, only a few were going to come back, that was the nature of the beast. But seeing not only his apprentice and little brother come back, but his brother Sparkpaw also come back was all at least a relief in itself. From then, Gentlebreeze would stand by Minkblaze and Sparkheart for ages.

The downfall of Ashstar during his younger moons was not something the fawn tabby had anticipated ever happening anytime soon, especially not while he still had the support of a number of cats in the Clan. Nor did he expect it to be the same day he would experience more than one death that day; the death of the former leader’s killer themself. The bicolor had limped into camp, announcing that they had killed Ashstar, before succumbing to their wounds themself. It affected Gentlebreeze, as it had affected everyone else. But what he should’ve known is how much it would damage Sparkheart. He would try to be there for him, even if the tom didn’t want him.

During a quiet morning after the debacle, Olivegaze and Cootheart had announced that there would be a leadership trial, and that only a select few cats would be proving their worth to the stars. He had to, he needed to help CliffClan be better than it was. It was him up against Cedarstrike, his best friend, and Butterflywatcher, a molly that had a kit sired by Birchstep. In the end however, it was Cedarstrike chosen to be the leader for driving out the foxes, and the newly named Cedarstar chose Gentle as his deputy, which will be a badge he wears with pride and honor.

Rowanstorm, having been there the whole time for him, was a cat Gentlebreeze had very little chances to admit his feelings for, and the time came naturally as they lounged and shared a rabbit. They admitted they had feelings for each other, and from there, became mates. A couple moons later, the two cats had four kits; Rosemarykit, Starlingkit, Reindeerkit, and Aspenkit

After a couple weeks of life, Starlingkit had been found to be blind, and Gentlebreeze, brokenheartedly, explained to Rowanstorm that he had to live, but he couldn’t live in CliffClan, as it was now. So, with the help of Cedarstar, Cootheart, and Rookstorm, Starlingkit was passed off to Sorrelwish in PondClan, to live out his days comfortably. When they returned to camp, they returned under the guise that… He needed to be taken care of.

The life he has been living up in the mountains wasn’t terrible; he had his family, his mate, he was helping his brother lead the Clan… His kits were now warriors too! Aside from Rosemarypaw, who he’s just happy she’s alive and could make it back before getting lost out in the mountains. He looks forward to watching her retake her trial alongside her cousin.

Despite the fear of the recent mysterious rumbling in the mountain, Gentle was approached by his husband, Rowanstorm, about an expansion to the family- that is, a second litter between the two. With much excitement, the fawn tabby agreed. About a moon later, the toms greeted their four new kits to the world: Eveningkit, Maplekit, Windykit, and Softkit. Four healthy kittens, three boys and Gentle’s baby girl.




Brackenfall - A large, long-furred black mackerel tabby tom with a white underbelly, paws and pale green eyes, father, NPC

Softsong - A fluffy, medium-sized black classic tabby molly with a white belly, paws, and muzzle, and round green eyes, mother, deceased

Rosemarypaw - A large, long-furred black molly with a white chest, paws, and tail tip and a bobbed tail (eventual yellow eyes), older daughter

Starlingsong - A long-furred black tom with a white chest and paws and pale, milky blue-green eyes, older son, sent to PondClan

Reindeerflash - A long-furred fawn tom with a white chest and paws, older son

Aspenstone - A long-furred cinnamon molly with a white chest and paws, older daughter

Eveningkit - A large, long-furred black tom with some white, son

Maplekit - A long-haired cinnamon mackerel tabby bicolor tom with yellow eyes, son

Windykit - A large, long-furred fawn mackerel tabby tom with white paws, tail tip, and green eyes, son

Softkit - A small, lean (with some plump), long-furred cinnamon molly with some white and yellow-green eyes, daughter, me

Minkblaze - a large, fluffy cinnamon tortoiseshell tom with a white chest and amber eyes, brother figure, NPC

Sparkheart - A long furred red tabby tom with one blue eye and one yellow, brother figure (unrequited-ish), deceased


Rowanstorm - A bulky, long-furred black tom with yellow eyes, mate


Cedarstar - A large, battle-scarred, long-furred chocolate classic tabby tom with a white chin spot, white chest, and white paws, best friend/brother figure
