Desmond and Duncan



3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Desmond

Gender: Male

Age: mid 20s

Relationship: In a relationship with CharmeleonWarrior's Dratini OC (I'm sorry I forgot her name)

Birthday: May 9th

Species: Magnemite.

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Quiet, a critical thinker, tries to take his time with everything. Is very patient, much more so than his hot headed brother

Story: Desmond works as part of a local patrol group along with his brother Duncan in the town the mystery dungeon guild is located at.

Name: Duncan

Gender: Male

Age: Mid 20s

Relationship: None

Birthday: March 23rd

Species: Magnemite

Sexuality: Stright

Personality: Hot headed, reckless, quick to react, but makes up for it with his courage and urge to act when acion is needed. Will put others above himself in dangerous situations, leading to himself getting hurt.

Story: Duncan works as part of a local patrol group along with his brother Desmond in the town the mystery dungeon guild is located at.