


3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

They are



fan link oc

game is a successor to four swords

wields the four swords

moves in an uncoordinated fashion, often looks like they're having a seizure due to each of them controlling a separate limb and facial feature

Link had been walking through the woods when he heard a voice calling for help. Being a good lad, he followed it to the source and found a lone sword in a pedestal in the woods. The sword look ancient, it was rusted and looked like it was falling apart. The voice told him that the only way to help was to draw the sword, and become a true hero, like it's previous wielder, the Hero of Four Swords. 

And so, Link drew the sword.

And in an instant, his mind shattered, and with it, the sword as well. 

Out of the sword was freed the evil spirits of Vaati and Ganon, the seal on them having finally broken.

In a hurricane of wind and darkness, Link became no more.

Instead, now, within his soul, were four fragments. 

One for each limb and major sense.

They lay there for hours, horrified, new to this world and holding only a handful of memories each from the boy they once were, able to move but not sure how, most all now in worlds of darkness and silence aside from eachothers thoughts, as Ganon and Vaati began to wreck havoc upon the world.

But as they began to give eachother names, piece together their former life... they became determined.

They had to stop this.

...But first, learning how to function as a unit would be nice.


Rleg / P1 / Right leg, Mouth (aside from tongue), Voice

- Designated group leader, mostly because he's the only one who can talk.

- VERY anxious. Always wants everything to be perfect and for them to come off as professional

- WILL cry if things go wrong

- Tries to keep a constant smile on their faces bcs uhh he's pretty sure thats what you do if you want to look approachable.

- Very determined. And i mean VERY. He'll stop at nothing to do his best! 

- speaks in a very formal, polite manner. (also has a lisp, since he can't control the tongue.)

- LOVES jokes and often loudly cracks up at them, much to the annoyance of his brothers

Lleg / P2 / Right leg, Ears, Hearing

- Boy if you thought Rleg was anxious... you have another thing coming.

- Jumpy as hell. Hearing is the only sense he's got besides feeling in his 'body' (aka the right leg) and the slightest noise will spook him

- Very self conscious, as he's the only one who can hear people whispering about them behind their backs.

- Unlike Rleg, he's just... sort of there. Doesn't speak up much, only to relay information on what he's hearing to his brothers. Would rather let the others take the lead.

- Twitches his ears a lot.

- has a stutter when 'speaking' inside the mind

Rarm / P3 / Right arm, Eyes (but not the eyelids), Sight

- Yet another determined boy... (im sensing a theme!) except like he has confidence so literally nothing is stopping him

- Despite Rleg's politeness and meekness, Rarm is truly the kindest of them. the big bro type (despite being the assigned 3rd youngest), will use himself to give you a noogie (despite Rleg and Lleg's wishes)

- flexes on his brothers CONSTANTLY for being able to see when they can't, but jokes on them, he can barely see at all because since no one can control their entire head and neck, they end up staring into the sun a lot and now he desperately needs glassses!

- has no time for manners, he's got shit to do! when he 'speaks' inside their mind, he's constantly making up his own slang (because its not like he can hear to know anyone elses)

- barely ever bother to make eye contact with whoever theyre talking to

Larm / P4 / Left arm, Nose (and tounge), Smell (and Taste) 

- the embodiment of 'f my life'

- imagine if you couldnt see, talk, or hear. Also. You are literally an arm. The left one, to be specific. Which, unluckily for you. Is not the dominant arm. So what control you do have over your body is weak and you honestly couldn't care less about putting in the effort to gain enough strength to use yourself properly. All you can do is smell things. And taste things.

- lazy b. complains that he got all the 'useless' traits, but you'd be damned if you thought he'd actually put in the effort if he did have 'useful' traits

- enjoys food. mostly because he doesn't have to chew, AND gets to taste delicious things. the one power he holds over his brothers...

- often fucks up rleg's speaking out of sheer lack of trying because he's too lazy to move the tongue.

- 'laughs' externally instead of holding it in by blowing air out of their nose

- swears a lot when 'speaking' inside their mind