


7 years, 4 months ago



Name Comet
Species Alien
Gender Gender-fluid
Pronouns he/she/they
Birthday January 12, 2017
Orientation Asexual/Panromantic
Height 6'1"


  • Space
  • Picture books
  • Learning
  • Skateboarding


  • Fear of getting lost
  • Mean people
  • Scary movies
  • Biology

gullible . clumsy . cheerful

An alien who came to Earth, who quickly became friends with Roswell and settled in as his roommate. Still not quite used to Earth's gravity, Comet tends to be quite clumsy and trips a lot, causing them to have quite a few bandaids. They are fascinated by Earth things that most don't find interesting at all, namely skateboards and picture books, and can spend hours on end entertaining themselves with them. They are quite smart when it comes to space and physics, but when it comes to any other subject and Earth-related things, they are not very smart at all. They are very literal in the way they speak and understand things, to the point of being pretty gullible. They are still trying to learn how to read and write in english. They have an accidentally good fashion sense, liking to wear clothes of colors they find pleasing, not concerning themselves with what others my think of their choices at all.

HTML by Eggy

*character notes: being a shapeshifter, their design is very flexible and they can be drawn as other animals!