
3 years, 10 months ago


It's my duty to serve, and I'll serve the best I can because if
I don't then what is the point of being a soldier?

B i o g r a p h y . 01  ▎✂ - - -

「 t e d d y 」

◆ Theodora of House Bear

◆ Teddy || Ted, Bear, Theo

◆ 24 || 08/24

◆ Girlflux || She/He/They

◆ Feline [Cat]  

◆ Sufflok [Chocolate] 

◆ 188.03cm (6'2")  

 ◆ 62.15kg (138lbs)

◆ Lesbian

P e r s o n a l i t y . 02  ▎✂ - - -

「 l a w f u l . g o o d 」
"The point of all this, I guess, is that when you cut corners... it's not always obvious who pays for it."
- Kaidan Alenko; Mass Effect

 [ + ]  Hardworking || Daring || Curious || Practical || Calm
            [ = ]  Determined || Stubborn || Casual || Honest || Neutral
                       [ – ]  Distrustful || Naive || Overprotective || Petty || Dependent

        Teddy is generally a kind and cheery kind of cat. She enjoys time to herself, often reading books and practiing the things she needs to improve. She likes to greet others with a smile and a casual attitude. Not one to get over excitded, she's often watching the lighthearted chaos around her with a smile. She sees value in hardwork, and expects others to as well, if you're not working hard then whhy are you even bothering to do it? Passionate about what she belives in, she's headstrong and won't let anyone get in her way, and if they try they'll be butting head with an incredibly stubborn cat. Though she sports a happy deamnor and has a sense of naivety about her, do not confuse that for gullibliity. She remains distrustful of many and it would take a lot of work to be someone she trusts easily. She'd do anything for those she cares about, people and values, and will do anythign she can to keep them standing.  She depends on them, perhaps a little too much. But for better or worse she is doing her very best to do the thing she belives is right.

「 p r e f e r e n c e s 」

 ] Adventure Novels || Comfy Clothes || Fruits & Vegtables || Dark Chocolate || Chess || Flowers || Knitting & Sewing || Snowy Days
 ] Parental Figures || Hot Weather || Sweet Flavors || Complex Dishes || Quitters || Sore Losers || Lizards || Crocheting

M i l i t a r y . 03  ▎✂ - - -

「 c l a s s . r a n k 」
O N E . [  ]

「s i g i l m a n c e r 」

◆ Lots to learn!

「 p r o s . c o n s 」

  ◆ Agile; Nimble as a cat
                    ☆ Despite Teddy's large stature, she has trained herself to move quickly and quietly. Able to make turns on a dime and evade attacks and projecticles aimed at her. She keeps herself flexible and trains everyday to maintain it. She hopes this could be used to aid herself and others. Plus it's a pretty cool party trick to do a back flip and landa perfect splits.
     ◆ Knife fighting; Paranza Corta
                    ☆ Though still in the process of mastering this type of knife fighting style, Teddy is skilled in using thin short handed blades in a nimble and elegant fashion. She isn't too intrested in learning other types of knife styles, but will be learning. Without her Uncle here to continue to teach her, she is just stuck practicing what she already knows unless she can find another master.
       ◆ Intelligence: A world of knowledge
                    ☆ Teddy spent a lot of time my herelf, and the only thing to fill the time was to read. So she did. She read and read, all the books her family had and any she could get her hands on, several times over. She holds a large amount of knowledge of anything she could find a book about. Her memory's pretty good too.

  ◆ Power; The Heavy lifting
                    ☆ In favor for a vast amount of agility and mobility, Teddy has sacrificed their strength assest. Choosing to cultivate leaner muscles rather thank bulkier ones, she finds she has trouble lifting things on the heavier side and matching people for power. Hence why she relies on doding and swiping at them.
     ◆ Inexperienced; Like a newboarn foal
                    ☆ Teddy spent most of their life just themselves and family members. They may know things intecutually and how you should apply them theoritically, but having only practiced with someone going easy on them does not prepare them at all for the field. Reading about sigilmancy is not enough, they just lack any applicable practice of many of their skills.
       ◆ Stuck in their ways; No budging
                    ☆ Her stubborness,mised with how petty she can be really make it hard to get her to change her mind. If they belive something to be true, to be right or wrong, then good luck trying to make them think any different. A first impression went wrong? That might seal the deal with them forever. Near inmovable, they really get stuck in places they shouldn't.

「 s t a t i s ti c s 」

HP - HEALTH POINTS                                                                                                            STRENGTH                               DEXTERITY
◆ 24                                                                                                                                                        ◆ 04                                                  ◆ 05
                                                                                                                                                                 DEFENSE                                  AGILITY
                                                                                                                                                                 ◆ 04                                                 ◆ 06 [+1]
                                                                                                                                                                 MAGIC                                         TOTAL POINTS
                                                                                                                                                                 ◆ 06                                                 ◆ 25

        ◆ Custom Made Scissors: Il Castigo
                    ☆ A gift from her parents... the least they could do. A pair of custom made scissors made from steel with a somewhat intricate design at the handles. It's made to have the two blades be easily detachable. The click into place and have a small, flat cap to screw over the joint that allows the blades to keep the scissor form and to be used as funcational scissors. Given multiple flat caps, perhaps Teddy could apply sigils to them as she advances in her practice.  

She named the weapon Il Castigo; The Retribution. She takes this gifted weapon with no attachement from her parents. It really is the very least the could have done for her.


L o r e . 04  ▎✂ - - -

「 b a c k g r o u n d 」

TW: Child Abuse & Poisoning 

00. ▎the beginning ❖ 

        Immilla and Theodore of House Bear were a pair of cats who found each other during their war service as teens. They quickly fell for each other and planned on marrying once they finished their 7  years of service. Except... once the 7 years was over and the war still looked like there was no end in sight... Theodore decided he would keep himself in service. The two still got married, Immillia retiring to a new family home given to them as a gift from the Alpha of the Bear household and Theodore continued to serve for 6 more years. He planned to serve for so much longer.

An accident on the field left him gravely injured, he was sent back home to recover. The extent of his injuries left him unable to fight again. So he was left to live a life behind the front lines, but he had his wife and his House. Picking up a job within the Household, he and his wife set to live their as best they could. They cherished each other deeply, though the life of returning soldiers was never an easy one. The tried and tried to cover the pain in their hearts with things that surround them. To distract from it.

But even that wasn't easy. Years of trying to start a family... and they struggled. It seemed like nothing would work, that their chance for a family would never happen... Then they would be alone with their scars... But a miracle happened. After trying for so so long, nearly giving up. They were blessed with a daughter. The light of their life. Surely now things would be better. Now they could heal and move on with their lives... right?

01. ▎childhood ❖

        Teddy was their only child, but that was expected. As Teddy grew up she got anything and everything she could have asked for, she could have wanted. To her parents, their one and only daughter was their entire world. Teddy grew up a rambunctious child, often playing outside in the dirt and excitedly playing pretend with her school friends. Like any other good feline child, she had dreams of being a soldier.

To serve her people like everyone around her! This terrified her parents. They knew their precious daughter would have to serve time as a soldier. Everyone needed to, for 7 long years. The grandeur of a child, talking about being a cool fighter, a hero- even as young as 15! Teddy spoke of that fondly and loudly. Her parents were sure she'd calm down as she got older, she could wait until she was older, much older. She should be cherishing the time she has now with her family.

Things don't always go as you want it to...

02. ▎adolescence ❖

        As Teddy grew older into her teen years, the passion to serve in the military had only grown. She was already setting up plans to enlist once she turned 15, her Uncle, Alpha of the House, was very supportive of her. Her parents... oddly silent. They would, from time to time, respond softly without much enthusiasm. Because of this, a distance began to grow between Teddy and her parents. It wouldn't matter much, she would need to rely on them anyway once she turned 15 right?

Her parents weren't sympathizers, not by any stretch of the imagination... they were however terrified of losing their daughter. Their one and only precious daughter, they've been to the battlefield, they've seen what it does. They didn't want her to experience that, they didn't want her to die. So they put together a plan, one of desperation. Something horrible and despicable... but they were willing to do that, to keep Teddy safe.

It started out small, sudden chills and a fever. A week home from school then back to normal. Except it came again, this time lasting longer, worse symptoms stirring inside her. Sickness came to her, on and off over the years, lasting in long bouts that left her bedridden with high fevers and aches. All the while her parents were there, tending to her, making sure she had anything she needed during these times. She grew closer to them, finding herself relying on them more than ever before.

It became obvious that she could no longer be eligible for military service with how often and how badly she seemed to get sick... As her 15th birthday passed, she lay in a bed with a fever, barely able to sit up... She had to give up her dream of serving her people.

03. ▎adulthood ❖

        Teddy continued to have years of chronic sickness, on and off and she had resigned herself to working with her father and mother at home. Paperwork day in and day out, due to her fragile state she had been pulled from public schooling and spent the rest of her adolescence at home, with her moth teaching her. Preparing her to work with her father once she became old enough. And that's exactly what happened.

Confined to her home for years on end, Teddy spent her time reading and working. Life didn't have much excitement, the most she got was news of the war whenever she could. Life was on a loop really and Teddy was doing her best with how it was. At least she had books and dreams to help her through it. It wasn't too bad, the life she was living... Her parents were close, though she felt they doted on her a little too much. But she couldn't blame them and she was so grateful to have someone care for her when she was sick.

The day everything changed, it was incredibly drastic. Teddy's body wracked with fever and aches once again. Her mother and father at her side, soft words of worry and love as they comforted her. As usual, they prepared her another meal, her father having to leave for work and her mother staying to make sure Teddy was alright. Sometime later, her mother went out for a walk while Teddy was sleeping. Only Teddy woke up feeling the need for water, though her glass was empty.

Begrudgingly, and with effort, she pulled herself out of bed to get water. She stumbled upon something that had meant to be put away and hidden. She knocked over the pot that had her dinner preparing inside of it. Food scattered and spilled on the floor, she whined and tried to clean it up... several bottles had fallen with the bot and as she started picking up the ones that weren't broken... she noticed one was out of place.


Poison so very clearly used in her food. The familiar sickly sweet smell that was so often a signature scent in her mother's cooking. Everything sort of clicked into place. And her world felt like it was crashing down, shattering all around her. They wouldn't right? Her parents loved her, why would they hurt her? Everything after that felt like something of a blur. Her Uncle got involved, and there were shouting and tears on all sides. Begging and pleading, they weren't sympathizers, they just wanted to keep Teddy safe from the world. The Alpha's love for his brother and Sister in Law kept them from being reported, something they didn't deserve,

Teddy was removed from her parents' household and brought to her Uncle's. There she was treated and slowly brought back to her full health. It took years and there were a few things that could not be reversed. But those years with her uncle allowed her to have something that had been taken away, freedom over herself she hadn't had in such a long time. Her Uncle supported her decision to be a soldier, a dream she still wanted to pursue.

It took many years, but she was finally able to start her dream. A new recruit into the Military, she hopes to server her country well and with honor.

M i s c e l l e n e o u s . 05  ▎✂ - - -

「 t r i v i a 」

◆ Simply  can not eat food she hasn't prepared herself, or at the very least sees it being given to her. 
◆ Hopes that the war will end soon, with the cats as the victors of course.

◆ Excitded to make friends! She doesn't really have any.

◆ Though she doesn't like hot weather, taking naps in the warm sunlight is nice.
◆ Has a stuffed animal she brought with her. Hard to sleep without it.
◆ Hasn't spoken to her parents in years despite them trying to. The letter get burned immeaditly.

「 r e l a t i o n s 」


◆ Theodore of House Bear || Father [55]
"Don't ever talk to me again. I hope to nevre see you."

Immilia of House Bear || Mother [55]
"I trusted you. You have forever lost your daughter."

Marcos of House Bear || Uncle [57] || Alpha
"He's kind, though stern... but he saved me and allowed me to fufill my dream and duty. I hold him in the hisghest esteem."


◆ Name || Relation [Age] || RANK 


◆ Name || Relation [Age] || RANK 


◆ Name || Relation [Age] || RANK 


◆ Name || Relation [Age] || RANK 

「 r p . m e t h o d 」

◆ UTC-6:00 | MDT

◆ Lit | Script | Headcanon | AU

◆ Discord | Google Docs | Comments | Notes

◆ I'm pretty forward so if I scare you just tell me to calm down and I will ^^ I'm not usually super busy and free to rp most of the time, sometimes I forget so I don't mind if you poke me to remind me to reply! I'm online often, I  mess up my sleep schedule often but I don't work or anything.

More info here: RP Comfort Meme

E x t r a . 06  ▎✂ - - -

Aesthetic Board || Playlist || Voice