
3 years, 10 months ago


Overview: Dov is a sleepy Pisces using she/her pronouns. She is female, and was born on March 8th. She is sweet and gentle, but admittedly quite lazy. In the morning she tends to sleep well past noon despite also going to bed early. One of her favorite things to do is to nap while sitting on a bay window seat while cozied up in a fluffy blanket. Despite her troubles getting up, she still refuses to drink any coffee or other energy drinks. The only drink she likes that has caffeine is tea. Her favorite is green tea, but black tea is a close second. She has an adorable little blue teapot with cherry blossoms painted on. She adores cold weather as it is always a perfect excuse to cozy up in many layers of comfortable fuzzy things, even if she is in the warmth of the indoors.

Short personality description: She has a very mellow personality and enjoys the simple things in life. She is almost always satisfied with her situation. She doesn't have any strong drive or motivation to get far in life. She isn't one for outbursts or displays of strong emotion. Any strong feelings she does have are kept to herself.
Hobby/Hobbies: She doesn't really have any many hobbies. The few things she does in her free time are to find ways to relax, play calm farming games, and take care of a small little garden.
Quirk(s): She can fall asleep just about anywhere. Even if she is in the middle of a task or a conversation. She also spaces out a lot.
Sexuality (optional): Homosexual
Additional info (optional): Lives with Annabell in the mountains.
