ZoeLynn Fox



3 years, 10 months ago


  • Name: Zoe-Lynn Fox
  • Alias: Fox
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 38
  • Height: 6'6 (198.12 cm)
  • Birthplace: Patria

    Fox grew up on a her family farm where she quickly picks up her trades as a farmer. As she got older, and bigger, she was always curious as to the adventure the city might hold. Fox, not wanting to spend her life on the farm despite even her concerns with leaving her family, ventures off to the city to become a wrestler. She made a name for herself in smaller promotions before making it into the big leagues. To her, the success wasn't enough to keep her afloat, so she dropped out to join the Patria military academy where she met Kasey Love. The two of them were bitter rivals for a bit before squashing their beef after a scuffle. Ever since the two have been inseparable. The two graduated together and were set into a specific unit meant for deterring Kizawa family operations.
  • Personality: Fox is usually a loud and sweet individual, shes the kind of person that will always figure her way when she is lost. She can be boastful about her muscles, flexing to show off what being on her farm does. 
  • Hobbies: Wrestling, exercisebarbecuing 
  • Likes:  Her family, lifting, any way to show off her strength, fan interaction
  • Dislikes: Spicy food,  people calling her Zoe
  • Affiliates:  Kasey Love