Fern Everbright



3 years, 8 months ago


(Fern is a homebrew race that I made: a mink person, or musteledaean. I began with tabaxi stats, but instead of climb speed she has a swim speed, can hold her breath underwater for 10 minutes, and she also has blind sense of 10ft. Mink’s talent also gives her proficiency in stealth and perception.)

Fern Everbright is a Druid of the circle of spores. Her people live as a fishing community on a river at the base of a mountain. They are very close to nature so it is common for spellcasting mink-people to be druids, especially in the circle of spores, because of the deep understanding they have of the relationship between life and death. 

Fern grew up as an apprentice to the village elder, who she affectionately calls Amma. Her Druidic focus is a yo-yo that she was given by Amma, which has a fish design painted onto it.
Fern loves the earth and the intricate balance of life and death. She also loves swimming, misty mountain weather, mushrooms, bones, fish, meditating, and the colors of nature (greens, blues, neutrals.)

Fern is amazed by the world around her and so grateful for any opportunities she has to explore and adventure. She has an odd habit of rarely throwing anything away; she always says that she might need something for later. A recent example of this was when she took a severed hand with her in her bag, and later fed it to some giant rats to avoid combat with them.