Verena Roth



3 years, 10 months ago


young lady draped in reds

name verena roth
aka wine red
age 58
birthday July 25
gender trans.png woman (trans)
pronouns she/her
sexuality lesbian.png lesbian
species vampire
height 160cm (5'3)
occupation heir of the roth family

created in 2015

This is a rescue mission, you fucking hedonist!

The adoptive daughter of the legendary Marion Roth, Verena was found by her not too long after the Ovürpish civil war. From then on, Wine received the finest education and upbringing.

Verena, known as Wine by most people, is a young woman who's not afraid of speaking her mind. She's very upfront about her feelings and needs, making sure she always communicates in a loud and clear manner. She doesn't mind spending time with people who are a complete opposite, however - she finds the pressence of her more quiet and introverted friends very calming and relaxing. It's something she desperately needs, since she can be quite hotheaded - her upbringing lead to her having a very high self-esteem and she won't stand for anyone thinking she's lesser than, especially if that 'anyone' happens to be a human. She can be extremely rude and egoistic - she doesn't consider it a flaw. Despite that, her overall disposition is rather cheerful and friendly.

  • big cities
  • books
  • glasses
  • hairstyling
  • playing pranks on people
  • racoons (they're cute!)
  • confusing people
  • facing consequences of her own actions
  • humans (as a rule of thumb)
  • jazz music
  • staying still

extra notes
  • left handed
  • wimpy and it shows in her posture and lack of muscle mass
  • her eyesight is actually very good; her glasses are there merely for aesthetic reasons
  • loves bold colours when it comes to clothing, especially reds and pinks (though blues are also quite nice); combos of loose tops and tight bottoms are her favourite
  • likes pants and skirts equally
  • has several phonestraps attached to her phone
  • urban legend: Black Volga