Brunhilde Hammerfall



3 years, 10 months ago


Brunhilde "Hilde" Hammerfall

Hilde's family was cast out from a prestigious group of dwarves who lived in the base of an active volcano (hence the pink skin). Growing up on the surface in a swampy fortress, she and her brother often got up to a lot of mischief. After an encounter with a volatile wisp, she gained power over plant life but lost her brother. After he went missing, her family avoided talking about him because the pain was too great, but Hilde never lost hope. She decided to take up travelling as an herb peddler, so that she might stumble upon clues to find him. During her travels, she was introduced to a powerful fungal goddess, who subtly manipulated her towards her own goals. 

Fast forward, she met her adventuring party while on a boat ride. They were ambushed by some sort of fish people, and had to work together to get out of that situation. A goddess of chaos decided to be the groups patron, and many adventures ensued from there. Somewhere along the way, Hilde got possessed by a demon, whom she eventually trapped in her left hand. Sharing her body with a demon had curios side effects, giving her some unruly necromantic powers. Her fungal goddess has shunned her, and she finds it hard to reconcile her powers over both life and death. 

Interesting Hilde Facts:

She's eaten three whole men.

Her hair and beard keep getting burned off, so she recruited a tentacle toupee to hide her shame.

She has an electric pet dachshund named Zazz.

She can transform into some unique beastforms: demon snake and doom bunny.

She has a zombie catgirl nurse thrall.