Alexander Robespierre



3 years, 8 months ago


Alexander Robespierre

Curator at the Louvre. Definitely not just some kid.

DvhjKp2.pngArt by Rubin
  •  Name   Alexander Robespierre (Real Name: John Harvey) 
  •  Age   52 (22) 
  •  Height   6'3" (5'11")
  •  Occupation   Curator at the Louvre (Grocery Store Cashier) 
  • Ultimate Talent  Ultimate Curator 
  •  Personality 

    On the stuffy side. Keeps a level head about him while playing the game, and focuses on his own victory over anything else. Makes sure not to form close bonds with the other players, as he believes it would make it harder to play the game. (He actually really enjoys their presence. Don't tell anyone.)
  •  Appearance 

    Alex dresses extremely formally, notably wearing a scarf and a beret to accent his otherwise somewhat bland outfit. (John, by contrast, wears little besides his Alexander the Great hoodie, jeans, and sneakers.)
  •  Likes  Historical Records, Antiques, Organized Rooms, People who listen to his long-winded explanations of historical events 
  •  Dislikes   Modern Music, Explosives, Messes, The Industrial Revolution 
  •  Backstory 

    John Harvey is a self-proclaimed 'history buff', and can talk your ears off for hours about any and everything old and antique, especially if it relates to Alexander the Great. This 'expertise' of his (his words) goes unappreciated by the people of his small town in the rural Midwest though, and they won't even let him intern at the local history museum. So when a mysterious arcade cabinet showed up at the local bowling alley which appealed directly to his interests, he logged on and made an avatar where he could use this knowledge of his to his benefit: Alexander Robespierre, the Ultimate Curator. 
  •  Jane Gates Ultimate Tour Guide 

    Another player of the DRcade machines, Jane was the obvious choice for Alex to work with during investigations. A rambunctious and untrustworthy girl, she's managed to earn Alex's respect, if nothing else. She was also surprisingly willing to help Alex pull off his murder.
  •  Bud-Chan   Ultimate Hikikomori 

    A player who has unique privileges from other players: a special spawn point, and a robot she can control as part of her powers. Most notably to Alex, and a secret he had to learn through blood, Bud-Chan's real name is Mori and she has a direct connection to RAM, the creator of this strange arcade game.
  •  Gale Rosing   Ultimate Whaler 

    Gale is one of the other players that always seems to be in game whenever Alex joins, though it just seems to be his bad luck. An intimidating presence and determined investigator, Gale has been a great help to Alex in every trial. After he murdered Bud-Chan in that one game, though, she's held quite the grudge.
  •  Trivia 
    • ● Wants to visit every city named Alexandria. Knows most of their locations.
    • ● Hates the Industrial Revolution with a passion, but won't tell anyone why..
    • ● has a knack for strategy games, and will name every maneuver he pulls after a famous general
    • ● At least 5 moves are named after Alexander the Great.

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