


3 years, 8 months ago


Name: Anima (AH-NEE-MA)

Specie: Mewtwo

Pronouns: He/Him

DOB: December 3, 703 A.C.

Additional Character Information

Anima is a special breed of Mewtwo. A tropical breed far more rare than shiny Pokemon. We call them the Originals. Only very few were created around the timespan of 300 - 800 A.C, and were the first Mewtwo ever created. They were all created on the planet Nibiru, or Planet X. However, few, like Anima and Shichishaku, have been transported to Earth at an early age. These Mewtwo take about 20 years to fully grow and mature, and inherit abilities at one month. 

Anima has some past trauma on Nibiru that has affected him internally. Involving the reason he was transported to Earth. He has had a past life as a Pikachu. His owner was so touched by his death, he decided to reincarnate him as 'the strongest Pokemon.' In order for this action to be carried, they only needed a single strand of hair from Anima's past body to recreate him. His body was brought onto a mysterious spacecraft, where his trainer made a contract with the Mewtwo leaders of an astral Pokemon organization. Their name translates to The Diu Viventium. In further translations, The Long-Living. Their prime leader goes by the name Loquere, who confirms that the Diu Viventium have been around for more than 1,000 years. 

The organization consists of not only Mewtwo, but many other Pokemon as well. Every species, in fact, including some unknown species such as the Missingno. Billions of Pokemon taking part in their organization stay willingly, and live peacefully with each other. The team is made up of multiple spaceships all for different purposes. Transportation, shelter, and powerhouses that store emergency resources. Their main headquarters are located on Nibiru, and they have colonized the planet as of now. As for their passengers, they are taken to different areas and planets where other Pokemon civilizations have been found and recorded. They have the decision to stay onboard or leave. (Too lazy to write more on the organization)