
SPECIES - Saber Warrior Dog
RACE - Monotone, Star Mark, Terrier
GENDER - Female
AGE - Adult
BIRTH PLACE - Golden-Star
CURRENT PLACE - NeoPaneruga, Among the Palace
CONTRIBUTION - Gold-Silver-Patrol, Formarly Sergeant of the Golden-Patrol, Elemental Warrior
SPECIAL ABILITIES - Fighting as Saber Warrior, Element Control: Air
MATE - Milo



Chapter 1
Chapter 2Chapter 3
She is part of the gathering that is hold in the underground den.
She is bragging in front of Tiffany for having a successful hunt.
She tells Tiffany, she knows what she wants and that someday she will get it. It was never explained yet but with this she means the position as officer in the Golden Patrol.
She is flirting with Marlin and asks him, why he would hang out with Tiffany and if her company wouldn´t be more pleasant. She invites him to share some prey with her but he says no and wishes her good night.unknown.pngZara is angry that Marlin makes Milo Commander while he is gone but quickly controls herself. Tiffany makes her lieutenant, while she would be gone.

She and Milo are both depressed cause both their curshes (Marlin and Tiffany) would go on this journey together while they, Zara and Milo, would stay home.
Chapter 6Chapter 30
Zara is pictured while Zandlo explains the Hierarchy of  Golden-Star.

Chapter 9

She and Twister are waiting while Milo is telling his parents that Marlin decided to leave for Cybaxie along with Gina.
unknown.pngShe tells Twister, he is one of the best hunters Tiffany ever trained and that he could lead a hunt. Milo agrees and Twister follows the command.
She is seen in Tiffany´s dream that is partly a flashback and partly a nightmare.
In this dream she stands next to Tiffany, her cousin, and defends their short body size.