Angelina Zinnia



3 years, 9 months ago


Design is by me

Name: Angelina Zinnia

Gender: Female

Relationship: Had girlfriend whose dead, currently single

Sexuality: Lesbian

Age: Was in her early 30s when she became a ghoul, is over 200 years old currently

Personality: Looks out for those close to her first, others second. Although she beats heads in and knocks assholes around, she's not the kind of person to pick on those who can't really defend theirselves. She likes to think of herself as a bit of a town vigilante, but Good Neighbor doesn't have the best reputation with her gang considering the numerous fights her groups gets in in the Third Rail. Hancock appreciates her work, however, so she's welcomed around Goodneighbor. It took her a while to get used to being a ghoul and still misses her old acting career, but hey, she thinks shes doing good in the wasteland and wouldn't trade the life for any other one it has to offer.

Story: Angelina and her girlfriend were shut out of Vault 118 just before the bombs hit. Her girlfriend a feral ghoul and herself turned into one, she put her down and sailed off of Far Harbor, reaching the Commonwealth. She lived in Diamond City for years until she and the other ghouls were kicked out, then she moved to Goodneighbor where she and some others she had grown close with started their own gang. She resides in Goodneighbor now, leader of a small group of trouble makers.