



Friendly, polite and formal, but no nonsense. Don't lie to them, and don't try and hide the truth either, she won't appreciate it one bit and won't give you anymore of her time. Very straight-forward but won't be needlessly rude. Returns sass for sass. Kind to children, will often buy extra rolls from the bakery and hand them out to children living on the streets around the slums she lives in, occasionally reads with them to try and teach them to read and write. Is very confident in her fighting abilities but not arrogant. Has a strict moral code that she won't cross over, not for any amount of money or at any threat to herself.

  • OCCUPATION Mercenary
  • WEALTH Getting-by
  • HOME Secret hideout under slums
  • AGGRESSION Defends self
  • COMBAT ABILITY Experienced, evasive
  • ORIENTATION Panromantic-Demisexual
  • WEAPONS Throwing knives, daggers


Was once a street rat, ended up getting involved with some shady people where she learnt her fighting skills, but freed herself as she honed her psionics and found that she was being lied to so much. Got a job for a while as a housemaid and learnt how to act 'in a manner most proper' but got tired of being looked down on by the head-maid and blamed for her clumsy partner's antics and left. Started mercenary work at the suggestion of the master of the house, who still provides her with her clothes.


  • Tidy living spaces
  • Organisation by colour
  • Knowing everything she can
  • Reading to children


  • Unprovoked aggression
  • Jealousy
  • Horses
  • Clumsiness
  • If accused of lying, she will say that since she can detect lies with her powers, it would cause mental pain to herself to lie. It doesn't, but she doesn't tend to lie often anyway.
  • Despite having grown up in the slums, she learnt how to speak in a very 'high class' manner when she worked as a maid. She prefers the perception people get of her using it than her old style of speech.


  • Organising
  • Gymnastics
  • Jigsaw puzzles


  • Being forced to harm a child
  • Her hideout being found


  • 50 Caegers
  • Phone
  • 10 throwing knives
  • Bottle of grey liquid
  • Pair of ornate daggers, well used
  • Kit for drawing blood
  • Rack of empty vials for blood


Can feel when someone is lying or telling the truth. She can push her powers so that the person is forced to tell the truth, but she doesn't like doing it and it normally gets them to spill everything about their life that they've been keeping secret.

Is highly evasive and very quick while fighting, tends to talk a lot which often distracts her opponent. Will use the environment and anything around her to her advantage. Doesn't like causing a huge mess and tends to aim right for the neck.



  • QUADRANT: Matesprit yyUdRQI.gif

  • QUAD STATUS: Empty

  • SHIP NAME: Unknown





  • QUADRANT: Moirail 2qixadh.gif

  • QUAD STATUS: Empty

  • SHIP NAME: Unknown





  • QUADRANT: Kismesis uBH1z0N.gif

  • QUAD STATUS: Empty

  • SHIP NAME: Unknown



  • QUADRANT: Matesprit/Moirail/Kismesis

  • QUAD STATUS: Empty/Plotted/In Progress/Established

  • SHIP NAME: Unknown

  • AVAILABILITY: Open/Closed/Open (Polyam)

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

  • QUADRANT: Matesprit/Moirail/Kismesis

  • QUAD STATUS: Empty/Plotted/In Progress/Established

  • SHIP NAME: Unknown

  • AVAILABILITY: Open/Closed/Open (Polyam)

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.