{Pouflon} Bianca



7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info












Bianca is more of a quiet and and observing Pouflon that prefers to listen more than talk. She is not shy, but more mysterious than anything. Bianca may seem slightly emotionally detached but she uses that front so that she does not have to potentially develop any feelings for passersby that stay in her cabin. Bianca prefers to stay put and isn't one for exploring or travelling.

Originally born in the City of Chrysanthos, Bianca was very active at a young age. Her father was a smith and her mother was a rather high class mage. Her parents were not able to stay together as her mother was constantly travelling to learn all she could about her choice of occupation, so Bianca was mainly raised by her father. Bianca's mother was almost never around, but when she was able to come back to visit, both she and Bianca's father would celebrate. They cherished each moment they had together, and even while Bianca rarely saw her mother, they forged a strong bond. Bianca's mother would often send letters when she could, and her father would read them out loud to her as a youngling. 

Bianca's father taught her a great deal about the world, as much as he knew. Which may have not been very much since he himself was not much for adventure like his partner was, but to Bianca as a youngling, it was an entire world for her.

A few years later the letters from her mother stopped coming, and both she and her father knew something must have gone terribly wrong. Bianca was old enough to be living on her own by now, and in an attempt to go and search for her mother, her father left their home in Bianca's hands to take care of while he set out on a search for her. Bianca knew he would not return. 

After years without hearing from either of her parents, she gave up her father's home and moved to Marshgrave to dedicate the rest of her life to helping lost travellers find their way out of dangerous places. She spent months studying maps and planning the safest route to make her way to Marshgrave, as she had no prior experience travelling anywhere that was not inside the city. Bianca was careful to take into account any dangers she might happen to run in to and when the time came she went off on her journey, meeting many a Pouflon along the way to help accompany her. 

Bianca had read many books and listened to many stories of the haunting Marshgrave, but none had prepared her for what she would face. A terrifying ghost haunted her as she trudged through the marshes, and it was only after she crossed paths with a strong-willed Knight did the ghost leave. It just so happened to be the same place that was perfect for building her home. Together she and the knight Pouflon built her cabin, and not much after, the knight left to continue on their journey across the marsh. To this day Bianca lives in the same cabin and helps out wary travellers lost inside the marsh.