Treyton (Anathema)



5 months, 24 days ago


  • Treyton

  • pronouns he/him/his
  • species equine
  • background hidden mage
  • age 30 years (Aug 2nd)
  • height 17hh

It's not all sunshine and rainbows but a good amount of it actually is




Treyton is the sweetest soul you could ever come across. His heart is full and open to all. He will never judge or blame.

A typical child at heart, he likes to play. He's a very happy-go-lucky personality - very bubbly and outgoing. He will make friends with anyone and everything as he believes there is good in everybody. He doesn't like seeing people being left out or excluded and will always stick up for the underdog no matter what. Everyone deserves a fair chance in life and he's here to help.

There isn't any one that Trey wouldn't get on with but, should danger rear its ugly head, he is a force to be reckoned with. He will stand up for justice, especially when it comes to his friends. Its not a choice he would make but, when his hand is forced, he will snap.

Word Count: 145


Trey was considered a non-mage when he was born to a simple farming family in the south of Ivras. Apart from the glittery hue to his coat, he appeared an almost-normal equine. In the small village he lived in, there was barely anyone to bat an eyelid at him. That was, until, his horn started to grow. Now, they could overlook the funny looking markings and his shimmering colour. What they couldn't overlook was the great big spear protruding from his forehead.

It started small and his parents were mortified when Trey came to them, complaining of a headache. No wonder with that monstrosity. They tried to hide it with his thick forelock and it worked, for a while. But, eventually, it became so big that there was no amount of hair that could hide it. The village shunned him, scared of what it may bring. 'He's a bad omen.' 'He'll bring us all bad luck.' As hard as it was, his parents had no choice but to hide him away. It broke Treyton's heart watching his parents have to re-arrange their lives just for him. Baby Trey just couldn't understand why it had to be this way.

The family moved even further south, setting up their own little encampment. Unlike their home, the ground here was savage. It was unfertile and grew only the toughest of produce, leaving them with little income or food. Trey's father was driven to leave him and his mother alone. It was the last time Trey ever saw his father. Soon after, his mother became sick. He tried his best to care for her but, with little support and no medicine, it didn't take long for his dear mother to pass away.

Left alone with nothing, Trey felt so lost and alone. From a young age, it had been drilled into him that he must stay hidden, away from the sight of others. He was safer on his own. He still didn't truly know why but his parents were wise and they would never lie to him. So, here he stayed. Once a week, he will leave to wander north. A small town was close by and they had a lovely farmer's market on. He came to town, ran a few errands, earnt a couple coins and then came home again after spending them to buy some meager items.

Is this all life had for him?

Word Count: 402

Weather Man

Power 2

Discipline 1

Cost 1

Corruption 0

Treyton's magic is fortelling the weather. At maximum capacity, he should be able to, not only tell the weather, but control it as well.

At his current strength, he can barely let you know if it's going to be raining tomorrow or not. He cannot look further than 8 hours into the future and he's only good with one type of weather which is windy. Of course, his knowledge of the subject is wide and varied. He has instruments that allow him to pinpoint a more accurate forecast and even the village idiot could submise that with wind, comes rain (sometimes). His accuracy for wind is almost perfect (85% accurate). For other weathers, he can only guess at this moment in time. There is absolutely zero control over this magic - it's as if it is always switched on, constantly listening for updates. As a result, the magic has a adverse effect on his mood. This reflects the current weather situation so, for example, if it was sunny, he'd be happy. If it was rainy, he'd be sad.


  • Magic use has a short-term adverse effect on the caster's mood

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