Belen Sy



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Belen Sy


Bell, Beli; Schee, Cheet




December 10th (Sagittarius, lunar Libra)






Panromantic asexual (feminine preference)


Human, dollkin




Fashion designer, seamstress, lacemaker


"I am so thick... My thighs, my arms, my eyebrows? All thick."


Belen has a very curvy, chubby body shape. Her thighs are very large, but her stomach isn't in the shape of an hourglass at all. She has some subtler neck fat, flab under her upper arms (accompanied by some white stretch marks), and a chubby stomach. She has white and purple stretchmarks on the outsides and insides of her actual thighs. Her skin is around #DE9587, with bands of darker brown where her skin gets the least sun. Her hair is poofy, black, and has a tight curl to it, and falls to about her shoulders. Her eyebrows are very thick, and she enjoys accentuating them further with makeup. She can never be seen wearing anything but pastel/vintage sorts of doll apparel, almost all of which she would have made herself.

She is 5'1 and about 170 lbs, or 77 kg. Her eyes are a milky to deep brown (depending on how much water she drinks), and she likes to wear winged eyeliner to accentuate her eye shape. She often appears tired, with gentle dark circles under her eyes if she doesn't choose to cover them up. Her vision is not perfect, but it's not bad enough for her to care for glasses.

Belen will often wear balljoint tights and works with makeup to make it appear that she has a balljoint at her neck and at her elbows and shoulders. She will become defensive if someone with her tells her that she doesn't need to apply all of it to go into public.

Belen bruises relatively easily, and will usually take pictures of them as she has a strange sort of fixation for them. She doesn't bleed heavily when she is cut. She has a bad habit of biting the skin around her fingernails when she is nervous or around someone she is uncomfortable with.


Belen is detached in her social cues and speech patterns. She is very spacey and has a very active, dreamy headspace. It's nearly impossible to maintain eye contact with her, she throws her voice in weird ways, and her inflection can be strange when speaking to someone she likes. She's blunt, but in a roundabout way (i.e.,"Your eyes are arresting. I was told to tell you this.") She has poor relationship skills, in that she doesn't make much of an effort to stick with people that aren't family or from her childhood. She doesn't speak in normal metaphors and sayings, instead making up her own. She doesn't laugh very often, and it is usually a chortle at a funny slip of words someone would make.

It is a formidable task to befriend Belen to the point that she will not lose interest after leaving her alone for some time. However, after capturing her interest and entertaining it enough, she will become attached and attentive to a person. She is selective and will allow people to drift out, making it difficult to maintain a long-lasting friendship with her.

She has no romantic attraction to people at all, but is not sex repulsed. Friends touching her in typically romantic fashions does not bother her, but those looking to be romantic with her doing such will make her extremely uncomfortable and distrustful. If the contact is continued by a person she does not know at all, she will become physical and loud as to gather attention and make them stop.


○ Belen's parents were very good to her growing up and she has a good relationship with both of them
○ She has made clothes specifically for Lieuje, and this puts Vlorre off
        ○ This is still in spite of the fact she has made entire lines just for Vlorre
○ She loves pastel colors, especially pastel blue and pink
○ Once, she was assaulted physically in public, and she defended herself by clawing through the attacker's skin
        ○ Since this incident she makes a point to have very long, sharp, sturdy nails
○ Enjoys making her own simple emoticons for her messages and tweets (%///%, @&@, etc.)

○ Blood type A-
○ Is completely fluent in English but does not like speaking quickly or with shortenings or shortcuts
        ○ Seldom uses contractions, and uses a lot of run-on sentences when she speaks
○ Will begin narrowing her eyes and squirming around if someone makes romantic advances on her

○ Really enjoys watching old films, especially old Chinese movies from decades ago
○ She is a beast on rollerskates
○ Adores cherries, and also has an affinity for cream and lemon flavored foods
○ Fears losing her inspiration
○ Will frequently purchase slimes from online stores; she especially enjoys colored translucent slimes with floam in it
○ Her only laughs are "heehee" and "hoohoo"
○ Favorite pokemon is Gengar