Yuugure Ueno



3 years, 10 months ago


Profile still a work in progress!

Yuugure Ueno [上野 夕暮れ]


In a relationship with Ryou Saitou.

Friends with Ame Amatani.

Younger half-brother to Yoru Kiba.

--- More Info ---

Personality: TBA

Summary: TBA


  • Crystal Storm - A species-specific skill that every Daiyamondo is able to use and master. The skill allows Yuugure to summon temporary floating crystals and attack with them in a fight. He has a bit more mastery than average, so he is able to block some attacks with the crystals. Yuugure’s crystal coloration is black, which is an unusual color for the crystals. This color change is a side-effect from the pact Yuugure made.
  • Cross Mode - Another species-specific skill that every Daiyamondo is able to use. This is a temporary status that causes Yuugure’s left arm diamond marking to get cross-like endings. Additionally, his eyes get a bright red circle around the pupil. This mode is used for fighting and self defense. It causes Yuugure’s physical strength and speed to go up for a short period of time. A side effect after using this skill can be complete exhaustion.
  • Ravens' Shadows - A special power granted to Yuugure through his pactmaker, Nyx. This power grants Yuugure the ability to call forth and control shadowy ravens. This skill grants the ability to blend into shadows as well. This skill can be used in any form at any time.

Design Notes: His design is symmetrical