
3 years, 10 months ago


Edit: after the mods and the entire mignyan community decided that Ambros is apparently a n@zi he got taken out of the mig community. However, I will NOT change his design nor his mignyan parts. I paid for ambros and you have NO right to take him from me because of your fragile little victimization selfs. I hope some day the mig community realizes that only because a uniform is shown doesn't mean the character is a n@zi.

edit 7.12.2020: Ambros is based on MY OWN military world, he is a steampunk war general living in a isolated colony where they only hear and see very little from the war and take care of their own problems before anything else.


-main information about him-

-information about the world he lives in-

-information about his bg-

. more detailed information- OPTIONAL

-main information about Ambros-

Ambros is a Mignyan infected human currently living in a completely war overtaken world yet thankfully he is one of the high ranks within the worlds military making him rather superior to people eneath him. Now only ecause this randbow dipped man has a high rank in no way indicates that he is actually a intelligent being….because I can already tell you he isn’t. Some people may say he is naïve but oh boy he is actually genuinely stupid, well in the situations Ambros is supposed to be smart he is a absolute dumb and in the most useless situations he talks about stuff almost no one even knew about. Not only that but Ambros does have a quite lusty behaviour to him, being annoyingly seductive in a fun way and his humour greater than his intelligence. Even though with all of his flaws he is still one of the best people to be around (for other migs of course). He can understand even though he doesn’t look like it, listen and give advice. Not the best but advice that make people think. Even as a mignyan Ambros sometimes doesn’t manage to infect others or kill them to help his kind spread further because, looking at a free being and the thought of being the cause of their death just..messes with him. But in order to show his power and determination he often has no choice but to take lives to create new. Anyway more to that later! Compared to one of his friends Mars (Mignyan owned by Suisuimo) Ambros is part of a different Mignyan military which is why his uniform looks much more scrapped and steampunk like, with many more cloths and weird badges even a piece of armor! He is a high rank general which is why he occasionally can become bossy out of habit but quiets down as soon as he notices such, otherwise Ambros is just the ´fuck it´guy who doesn’t think about consequences and would pretty much jump into a pit of fire for literally anything.

In weapons Ambros has quite a a lot thanks to his high rank, including the mignyan infection makes him quite a intimidating enemy, wouldn’t it be that he just has a bag of rice in his head instead of a brain. Anyway, Ambros tends to use his tail as his main weapon as thanks to its sharpteeth and incredible strength it can cause some serious injuries on the opponent if Ambros manages to hit them on a good spot, usually the teeth can only cause deep scars on the enemy as they are placed alongside the tail and not on the edge, but sometimes he also pireces his victims with them  and so can get a good grip on them no matter how much they struggle, but the tail is just a handy thing to have as a military of course has also quite a few of..other handy weapons. One of which of course is a normal handable handgun, but as he comes from the steampunk military it has a few better features. The handgun of course is a very shiny golden and brown color wih many hears spinning within mostly without any break as to keep hem smooh and oily. Anyway the bulles of his gun are filled wih a special powder only found in he steampunk realm which looks like a rusty red gunpowder bu has way thicker more explosive corns which upon being shot get lit up as well. As soon as the bullet hits is target the bulle will create a small explosion as the powder inside will burst from he inside ou and cause fatal damage to the victim being shot. Adding the bulle will NOT cause a bullet hole because it explodes before hitting the target which is why Ambros always has to stand a special distance between him and the victim getting shot as otherwise the bullet may explode before Ambros even wants I to explode. He las weapon, apart from self defence and military training of course including shor distance knive fights and a few knives here and there which really don’t need to be mentioned, he has another gun type weapon. This weapon is mainly hidden behind a coat he wears, it is similar to a shotgun but upon taking it out a big metal skeleton wraps around ones arm o keep the weapon completely still and higher the chance of actually hitting the target. Now this shotgun like weapon throws small grenade like objects onto the field which have a immense explosion radius and is a feared weapon even inside his own realm as it may even hit his own people. Now the drawback to this weapon is as said, it may hit ones own people and with each shot the metal skeleton rubs against the arm of the user which can cause damage to the arm after a while which is why Ambros arm is completely scarred.

Now Ambros personality is …not for young viewers. Amros tends to have a very lusty and seductive personality but just for shits and giggles and thanks to his high rank nobody really takes it as bad behaviour so he’s fine. He mainly puts up this gay behaviour first of all because he probably is gay and second because he can annoy the heck out of others or make them deeply embarrassed which is like a very good meal for his eyes. We already talked about him being a huge dumdum so mentioning that again would kind of be a waste of time! Anyway as you know he isn’t intelligent, but his humour and just extremely chaotic evil behaviour makes up for the lack of brain. He is a really fun person to be around as in any situation he can just be super excited and curious of things or be extremely determined and cheer people up with his ways of talking which is another reason how he became a general. His determination and talent for following orders even though most of the time he doesn’t want to. As said he’s very VERY chaotic. Even though all of the above Ambros can be a good listener and  perhaps even help others as long as he knows their intentions. He may sometimes be too naïve and just help the wrong people because of what they told him and sometimes he just notices it way too late and he will feel bad about it for months as he was the one causing trouble..real trouble. Mostly people forgive him but Ambros will always feel bad for too long for these things, it’s just a habit of this poor mignyan- Oh and also Ambros is narcissistic and definitely thinks he is great most of the time.

-information about the world he lives in-

Now Ambros doesn’t exactly live in a world, more like a colony as Mignyans are a parasitic species who infect other biological creatures with the goal to spread further. So instead of talking about the world I will talk about the military ambros is in as this is the next good informational part that is related to Ambros and his story.

The steampunk realm of the military is definitely not the strongest realm in the mignyan infection but definitely not something to easily mess with. The steampunk realm is rather big and also quite developed for that that they are a steampunk realm. They are also considered one of the chilliest militaries as they let most things pass and are rather comfortable in their shoes, at least that is what is told about them but in reality they are extremely EXTREMELY curious about everything and are more going into the scientific direction of everything which explains why ambros is so curious and excited about most things, sometimes even too curious for his own good as he tests the borders of how far he can go before something goes wrong heh, anyway most scientists and inventors come from the steampunk realm as they are also said to be the brightest heads in the entire colony exactly because of their mostly very questionable behaviour.

Now the steampunk realm cannot be JOINED, they wont let you into the steampunk realm unless you’ve been infected by a steampunk realmer crab  which automatically makes you a steampunk realmer. They are so extremely strict about this rule that they can even go into the offence when someone who isn’t allowed enters their territory. Of course vvery important people and migs from other realms are able to enter with a Lot of escorting of course. This is the reason why people also barely get to hear anything of the steampunk realm because its just so shielded off from the rest of the colony that no one just hears things about it. Of course the leader can influence even the steampunk realm and they also follow the leader without questioning. But the rule of everyone staying out except their own still stands. The ONLY way of someone else entering the realm is when at least one Steampunk realmer is with them ALL THE TIME, the outsider is not allowed to roam around alone.

-information about his bg-

Now I will tell the avkground story of the Crab and how it infected the host as the human infected is in fact dead and so irrelevant to anything to do with Ambros. The story will be rather short as I will start in the middle from it the start is also irrelevant as its only shown how the crabs were brought to earth and what exactly happened, but here I will explain what happened after the transportation ship broke down.

So after the transportation ship of the next wave of mignyans broke down on earth the mostly hurt and half dead vrabs had to scurry off as fast as possible and find a strong host to take care of their now hurt and fragile bodies so they wouldn’t die on this horrible planet, Ambros was one of the few who were actually heavily injured from which the poor crab still has a huge scar somewhere on his body…I think half dead already was a more fitting term for his injuries. So he dragged his weak body as far as he could, the nearest reachable place for him was a small farm on the countryside which the ship crashed near. Most migs were heading to the city to find strong hosts, preferable military hosts in order to still be contributing to the war going on on his planet.

Before dawn the poor crab finally reached the front part of the farm but wasn’t able to enter it before becoming too weak from the injuries and just curling up in a small blue ball to accept that this was a faiö and he couldn’t contribute to the war he wanted to take part in for so long. He just waited fro his death at this point feeling as he got more and more light headed, but the sudden muffled voices from behind kept him awake, slightly but awake, and the sudden warm hands on his sides lifting him up suddenly made him wide awake

Upon seeing that a human host actually came to him filled Ambros with such determination that he took the last bit of his strength to actually jump on the humans face and infect them with himself, not even realizing the humans mother was watching and screeching her lungs out while desperately calling out for her sons name. Otherwise Ambros would’ve never even considered infecting the poor countryside boy as he planned on picking a victim living far far off without any social contacts..but it was a life death situation for the poor dying crab. And after that he ran away and waited for the rescue ship to pick him and the few other survivors up and everything after that took its course.-

-more detailed information-



Ambros tends to use his tail as his main weapon as thanks to its sharp  teeth and incredible strength it can cause some serious injuries on the opponent if Ambros manages to hit them on a good spot, usually the teeth can only cause deep scars on the enemy as they are placed alongside the tail and not on the edge, but sometimes he also pireces his victims with them  and so can get a good grip on them no matter how much they struggle, but the tail is just a handy thing to have as a military of course has also quite a few of..other handy weapons. One of which of course is a normal handable handgun, but as he comes from the steampunk military it has a few better features. The handgun of course is a very shiny golden and brown color wih many hears spinning within mostly without any break as to keep hem smooh and oily. Anyway the bulles of his gun are filled wih a special powder only found in he steampunk realm which looks like a rusty red gunpowder bu has way thicker more explosive corns which upon being shot get lit up as well. As soon as the bullet hits is target the bulle will create a small explosion as the powder inside will burst from he inside ou and cause fatal damage to the victim being shot. Adding the bulle will NOT cause a bullet hole because it explodes before hitting the target which is why Ambros always has to stand a special distance between him and the victim getting shot as otherwise the bullet may explode before Ambros even wants I to explode. He las weapon, apart from self defence and military training of course including shor distance knive fights and a few knives here and there which really don’t need to be mentioned, he has another gun type weapon. This weapon is mainly hidden behind a coat he wears, it is similar to a shotgun but upon taking it out a big metal skeleton wraps around ones arm o keep the weapon completely still and higher the chance of actually hitting the target. Now this shotgun like weapon throws small grenade like objects onto the field which have a immense explosion radius and is a feared weapon even inside his own realm as it may even hit his own people. Now the drawback to this weapon is as said, it may hit ones own people and with each shot the metal skeleton rubs against the arm of the user which can cause damage to the arm after a while which is why Ambros arm is completely scarred.


Now Ambros personality is …not for young viewers. Amros tends to have a very lusty and seductive personality but just for shits and giggles and thanks to his high rank nobody really takes it as bad behaviour so he’s fine. He mainly puts up this gay behaviour first of all because he probably is gay and second because he can annoy the heck out of others or make them deeply embarrassed which is like a very good meal for his eyes. We already talked about him being a huge dumdum so mentioning that again would kind of be a waste of time! Anyway as you know he isn’t intelligent, but his humour and just extremely chaotic evil behaviour makes up for the lack of brain. He is a really fun person to be around as in any situation he can just be super excited and curious of things or be extremely determined and cheer people up with his ways of talking which is another reason how he became a general. His determination and talent for following orders even though most of the time he doesn’t want to. As said he’s very VERY chaotic. Even though all of the above Ambros can be a good listener and  perhaps even help others as long as he knows their intentions. He may sometimes be too naïve and just help the wrong people because of what they told him and sometimes he just notices it way too late and he will feel bad about it for months as he was the one causing trouble..real trouble. Mostly people forgive him but Ambros will always feel bad for too long for these things, it’s just a habit of this poor mignyan- Oh and also Ambros is narcissistic and definitely thinks he is great most of the time.