


3 years, 10 months ago



— Beetleshine —

"I'm not cut out to be a fighter..."
  • Creator quollstar on TH
  • Designer quollstar on TH
  • Verse The Divided RP (Warriors)
  • Worth $5.99 BUT NFS

Beetleshine is a Lunarclan middle class warrior.


Beetlekit was named for his big, teal eyes. Their color is reminiscent of a Japanese Beetle's shiny wings. Despite their long legs, Beetlekit was the runt of the litter, and was kept under close watch by his mother and father. Due to his parents shielding them, they developed a fear of what was outside the nursery. If his parents were hiding them from it, it must be dangerous, right? When the time came for Beetlekit to become an apprentice, he begged to stay in the nursery. The ceremony was quite the scene. Beetlekit was clawing at the ground anxiously, while the clan watched curiously. He seemed to jump at every movement, every word. Despite his behavior, their parents were very proud. After his siblings recieved their mentors, it was Beetlekit's turn. His siblings and parents pushed him forward, and they frightfully touched noses with his new mentor. Beetlepaw was a quick learner, but held back by his fears. When practicing fighting, they would cower in fear whenever another apprentice would battle him. Their mentor and parents joked that his long legs were only good for running away. Beetlepaw's saving grace lay in hunting. Whilst the rustling sounds of prey moving did scare them, he was good at staying quiet and sneaking up on prey. Because of their accomplishments in hunting, Beetlepaw was able to become a warrior, with the name Beetleshine, alluding to his shining frightened eyes.


Beetleshine is currently a new warrior, and he worries about being able to help the clan at all.


Brown/Orange Torbie

Beetleshine is a tall, lean cat. They have medium fur around their paws, ears, cheeks, chest, and on their tail. The rest of his fur is shorter and sleek. They have a distinctive white spot on their chest, and more white on their muzzle, right ear tuft, and end of tail. His eyes are striking- they're teal and green with a touch of yellow, and shine like a metallic beetle.



Friendly • Intelligent • Courteous

Beetleshine is in theory a nice cat to be around. While he can be quiet, they do care about others and are a good listener. They pick up on things quickly, and are very knowlegeable about the clan due to hearing his parents gossip a lot. He is also quite polite. He'll apologize for almost anything and do their best to make up for whatever they did wrong.

Fearful • Exhausting • Anxious

Despite his good points, many find it draining to be around Beetleshine. "They apologize too much." "He's a bit... high strung." Are common complaints. They try their best to not let gossip and whispers bother them, but deep down, he believes every word.

  • Gender Male
  • Age 14 Moons
  • Pronouns He/They
  • Class Middle Class
  • Rank Warrior
  • Relationship Single
  • In Use? Yes
  • Alignment Lawful Neutral
  • Voice Sad Venti
  • Theme PNFILA
  • Height Tall
  • Weight Light
  • Body Build Lean and Long
  • Breed Tortoiseshell/Tabby mix



Describe the characters' relationship/ dynamic. Sed sit amet lacus facilisis libero accumsan vestibulum. Praesent eu leo in lectus bibendum semper vitae vitae est. Mauris vel enim dolor. Sed porta, augue ut lacinia volutpat, sapien orci sodales dolor, non laoreet lacus felis et quam.


Describe the characters' relationship/ dynamic. Sed sit amet lacus facilisis libero accumsan vestibulum. Praesent eu leo in lectus bibendum semper vitae vitae est. Mauris vel enim dolor. Sed porta, augue ut lacinia volutpat, sapien orci sodales dolor, non laoreet lacus felis et quam.


Describe the characters' relationship/ dynamic. Sed sit amet lacus facilisis libero accumsan vestibulum. Praesent eu leo in lectus bibendum semper vitae vitae est. Mauris vel enim dolor. Sed porta, augue ut lacinia volutpat, sapien orci sodales dolor, non laoreet lacus felis et quam.

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