[ FERAL ] Bane



9 years, 2 months ago


Name: Bane means "Glorious Defender" but also means "Deadly poison, death and ruin".
Species: Apoc Wolf
(closed species by xKoday)
Gender: Male
Personality: He is Stubborn, Reckless, Brash, Manipulative, Quirky, Sarcastic, Loyal, Reserved, and a Leader.
Team: Loner
- Stealth: He is extremely good at concealment and being unnoticed.
- Shadow Manipulation: He can take the essence of a Shadow to use as a basic shield or weapon. This ability is strongest in the dark and weakens in bright light. It also only works a short distance around him, the farther away the weaker it becomes, his current limit is around a mile.
- Can Summon Two familiars: These familiars are medium sized black shadow blobs in the shape of canine-like creatures. They have no special powers but can aid in fights and to gather information. When they are summoned his Shadow Manipulation ability is weakened.

Other Facts:
- He is an Outcast, not much is known about his backstory at this time.
- An Assassin, he excels at catching an enemy off guard. He has killed many, many beings.
- He's Very Secretive and does not like others peeving into his private life.
- His Strength is average but makes up for it through excellent stealth and speed.
- He has been referred to as a 'Ghost' or 'Shadow' due to his Assassin past.

Creative Info

Origin: Adopt sheet released May 2013
Obtained: Bought from original auction
Official adoption sheet: in storage
Original Character design by xKoday