♥・: Cherry :・♥



4 years, 1 month ago


Name Cherry
Gender Female
Age 18
Species Wolf Girl
Orientation Bisexual
This profile belongs to:
♥・: Cherry :・♥
⚬ Shy ⚬ ⚬ Lonely ⚬ ⚬ Yandere ⚬

Cherry's birthday is the 22nd of September.

Cherry was a normal, innocent girl throughout most of her life. Studied like she was supposed to, made friends like she was supposed to, and tried her best to make the people around her feel happy and safe. She had multiple love interests throughout this time in her life, but none of them quite like the one whom she quickly became the most obsessed with. However just as quickly, it became apparent she'd never get to be with him. The guy in question didn't have any feelings for her whatsoever, which was a complete contrast to how she felt about him. Cherry essentially saw him as her soulmate. While for the longest time, this dampened her spirits, she was still able to live her life normally. That is, until the boy in question got a crush on another guy. The secret glances, the flustered conversations. It was something Cherry had wished to experience with him instead so very badly. The closer they got, the more the jealousy inside Cherry took over any rational thought and caused her to start doing extremely questionable things. From following her crush home to see where he lives, to taking pictures of him in secret and hanging them up on her walls, to even rummaging through the trash to find empty cans and bottles that she knew his lips had previously touched. It was slowly making her go insane.

Months passed by and her crush and this guy only got closer and closer. It was the hot gossip going around school; that they were secretly dating. Cherry couldn't handle this. Wherever she went in school, she'd hear little quiet whispers and information about them. It got to her so bad she began thinking about harming herself. She started carrying a box cutter everywhere she went, and it didn't take long for her to get into the bad habit of using it on her wrists almost every single day. Cherry felt absolutely miserable, but she still tried not to show it. She still tried to convince the people around her she was perfectly fine. That is, until this event occured. One day Cherry was walking down a school hallway when she thought she heard her crush's voice coming from an empty classroom. As it wasn't new for her to spy on him, she went over to see what was going on. Instant regret and anger filled her body as she looked on to her crush and the guy making out, intertwined against the wall. The jealousy inside her burst out and made her lose control. She launched open the door, threw the other guy against the wall and held her box cutter blade up to his throat. She only managed to cut through the skin a little before she was ripped off of him by her crush and screamed at. Cherry instantly snapped out of her jealous rage, looked at the small amount of blood seeping out of the guy's wound and collapsed to the ground. If she hadn't been stopped, she would've killed him. As her crush left, helping the guy over to the school medical room, Cherry started crying and crying and crying over the realisation. Months worth of tears that she had built up and kept inside came gushing out at that moment.

Ever since that incident, Cherry completely snapped herself out of that jealous mindset, gave up on love entirely and aimed to become a better person. She's still miserable, but she stopped harming herself and tries her best to wear a smile. Unfortunately, what she doesn't know is that any time she starts getting a crush on someone now, her alter ego comes out and causes pain and agony to those around her. Cherry has yet to be told of this, as everyone who experienced it either mysteriously died/went missing or never talked to her again. She's completely oblivious to the multiple crimes she's committed, but she still senses something wrong. The way she sees it, it's like she became cursed for her actions back then and now anyone who gets close to her is doomed to become miserable and unfortunate. Despite all that, she still tries to push through the loneliness and greiving she experiences so often, as in her mind she's doing her best to change and hold on despite what feels like the universe being against her.







  • Happiness
  • Friendship
  • Improvement
  • Productivity

  • Herself
  • Loneliness
  • Love
  • Gossip

Cherry hopes to one day fix her broken self and become someone who is happy and productive in life, however she tries her best to smile despite everything she's going through.

Cherry has become extremely shy, so it's already hard for her to find friends. But unfortunately, her alter ego sabotages any friendships she does gain so most of the time she has no one. She hates the feeling of being alone.

Design Notes

  • She has fluffy pink wolf ears and I don't mind if you add white fluff inside.
  • Her fluffy pink wolf tail is only visible depending on the angle.
  • She has a big black bow (with frills) on top of her head, and her cowlick (ahoge) peeks out from it.
  • She has two small bows on her wavy pigtails (left one black, right one red).
  • Don't forget the little paw prints on her collar.
  • The little blushing flaps behind her start from her collar.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra vulputate arcu quis tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra vulputate arcu quis tincidunt.