Stiletto the Lionfish



3 years, 8 months ago


A Fly-Type lionfish Mobian specializing in free-falling and throwing needles.

Some Details:


  • Stiletto always wears some shade of rust-red or green.
    • She's very into fashion, however, so feel free to experiment with her outfits.
  • The "whites" of her eyes are actually a pale or silvery-blue.
  • The spines on her head function similarly to ears in conveying her mood.
  • Stiletto has needle-like spines hidden beneath her tail fins.
    • They resemble throwing needles, and she uses them as such.
    • They're very poisonous, paralyzing the body.
  • Stiletto is very laid-back, and has a hard time taking anything too seriously.
    • Her primary judge of whether or not she should do something is how fun it would be.
  • She is a bit of an adrenaline junkie.
    • Unassisted rock climbing is one of her favorite pastimes; if she falls, she can simply glide to safety.
  • Stiletto also has a weakness for gambling.
    • She's pretty good at card games, but has awful luck just about everywhere else.
  • Despite her down-to-earth nature, she can be very conniving at times.
    • While not quite skilled enough at strategy to outsmart Ark, she can be very manipulative.
  • Stiletto is a Fly-Type Mobian, able to use the broad fin on her head as a glider and her tail fins as rudders.
    • As such, she "flies" best where there are strong wind currents.
  • She is the navigator of Team Leviathan, a band of pirates who seek out treasures and perform mercenary work while sailing a ship of the same name.
    • Her role on the team is to chart the ship's course, scout areas and targets from the sky, and safely maneuver the crew through social situations.
  • When in possession of a Chaos Emerald, Stiletto is capable of producing many more venomous needles, and no longer needs to rely on the wind to fly.
    • The needles also become more potent in their venom; they can be lethal almost instantly with enough emeralds.