Bryce and Braquet



3 years, 10 months ago


Designs are by me

Name: Bryce

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship: None

Birthday: March 4th

Magic: Fire themed

Species: Fish monster

Personality: Bryce is the chill part of the duo, the one that keeps things on track during the skit. He is the writing force behind the show and comes up with ideas for skits him and Braquet do.

Story: Bryce grew up with Braquet and loved comedy as a child. He and Bracquet now live in the 5th section of Monsternia together.

Name: Braquet

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship: None

Birthday: April 3rd

Magic: Water themed

Species: Bird monster

Personality: A bit hyper and loud and can talk too much, but is easy to keep on track so long as you don't get frustrated with him. Braquet is great at acting and loves the spotlight and coming up with personas.

Story: Bracquet grew up with Bryce and wanted to always be an actor. He and Bryce live in the 5th section of Monsternia together.