Suzie Wilds



3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Suzie Wilds

Gender: Female (Transgender)

Relationship: None

Sexuality: Aro/Ace

Age: 14

Birthday: April 9th

Species: Alien

Personality: Has high energy and no filter. Suzie is very curious about everything and likes to know everything! She tends to poke her nose into things that most people tend to not want others in, but that doesn’t stop her. She’s a free spirit with a lot of determination and will take the world by storm! She likes Oblivion’s sheep, mainly she likes chasing them. Suzie doesn’t like school as she thinks her teacher is really tough on her. The fact that there are not many other children her age in Oblivion doesn’t seem to bother her. 

Story: Suzie is Oblivion’s newest resident, staying with her aunts while her own parents are on a work trip. She spends a lot of her time, outside of class, chasing the towns farm’s sheep, bothering Oblivion’s other residents, and exploring the safe patch of woods that separates the town and farm.