Koji Tanaka



3 years, 10 months ago


1 800 PAIN

01 — Profile

Name Koji Tanaka
Nicknames Zombie Boy
Age 18/19/26 (ask)
Gender male ( he/him )
Height/Weight 6'9"/212 lbs
Birthdate September 13th
Species undead
Orientation pansexual
Voice Claim Corpse Husband

Status undead
Designer @ heckfrost
  • He has so many goddamn piercings. He's got a bridge piercing, both of his collarbones pierced, crossed industrials in both ears, mid helix piercings in both ears, low helix piercings in both ears, both lobes are pierced, but the right has a dangly cross, where the left is just a plug, his tongue is pierced, and he's got a dick piercing.

  • His scars are kind of all over the place. As long as you have a bunch, it doesn't matter what they look like. The only non-negotiable ones are the six scars on his chest, the scar on his lip, and the big scar on his neck. Other than that, go wild.

  • His eyes are dull pink/red! The blue is a highlight.

  • He is canonically dead. His skin is pale as fuck because of this.

  • His collar does not always have to have the cross, but, that's the typical one he wears. It can be spiked, or not.

  • His tits are HUGE.

  • His canines are sharper than they look. He's got fangs. :)

02 — Personality

Koji can be summed up as a large cat. He's very indifferent to most things, unless they're something he's interested in. He doesn't seem to care much about anyone or anything, unless it's his sister or his boyfriend, and even some of his other friends are in the realm of "he doesn't really care" but they're okay with that.

He has unchecked anger issues. Under the surface of his lax, cat-like personality, Koji experiences so much rage and anger, and it only got worse after he died. It very, very rarely shows, and he's very good at hiding it when he is angry, unless he's hungry. Don't get him hangry. Now that he's dead, his fuse is a lot shorter, but, he will just disappear to go take care of it.

Koji's relationships have also been very... unorthodox at best. He's not necessarily monogamous, but, will be loyal to someone if they ask him to be. All of his prior relationships have been open relationships, where they were less serious and not as tied down, but, his current one is more or less as serious as he's willing to get. He is a whore, though, and will sleep around if he's single, or given permission.

  • blood and guts

  • eating living things/raw meat

  • horror movies (zombie specifically)

  • coffee

  • the dark

  • the quiet

  • being isolated

  • romcoms

03 — Background


To be added...


To be added...


To be added...

04 — Trivia

  • He's a fucking garbage disposal. He will eat anything put in front of him.

  • He has died! He was stabbed six times in the chest, and his throat slit. He is dead as fuck! He functions pretty much just like a living human, though, for the most part.

  • He has lapses where he loses his humanity, which really happens when he gets very hungry. He's always hungry, he'll always eat, but, if he goes too long without fresh meat, he loses himself a bit and will go into a frenzy until he gets fresh meat.

  • He kins Jason Voorhees.

  • He, before he died, had Cotard's Delusion, or walking corpse syndrome. In his universe, whoever has Cotard's Delusion will come back from the dead if they are... well, dead. But Only Once.

  • He has mild Marfan Syndrome. He, when alive in any universe, has major heart problems. Ask for more of his symptoms.

05 — Relationships


Their relationship could be described, at the beginning, as complicated at best. But, now, they're practically inseperable, and Koji likes it that way. He'd do anything for Yamato, pretty much, and deeefinitely wants to take a bite out of him eventually.


His beloved younger sister! She's always so sick of his antics, but, she loves him anyway. She's absolutely almost cut his middle finger off, and is responsible for at least one of his scars because he doesn't know when to leave her alone.