

[ BunBlossom(CS) | Genderless | Adult ]
Mischievous and playful bun, loves to swim erratically (especially in swirls). Half the time is brimming with energy, half the time is dead asleep in its cup haha
Likes super sweet drinks
Dislikes being held (THEY MUST BE FREE!!)




"BunBlossoms are an ooze of the Vaporlutum Lympha genus, they're typically only the size of the palm of your hand and fit perfectly into mugs, jars or teacups, where they prefer to spend most of their time, though they are capable of growing much larger. Unlike most oozes they require very few nutrients and can survive off a single meal for weeks. Flowering teas make the best food as they are decorative in nature, smell pleasant and can sustain the small slime for much longer than leftover table scraps or manufactured food. They are moderately intelligent and can be trained to understand and brew different temperatures of water for different drinks. They themselves are not edible but they produce no excrement and act as perfect water filters. They have small legs which they use for swimming, two 'ears' which they use to test possible food sources and external temperature and posses eyes and a mouth, which was developed for the sole purpose of vocalization and 'blowing bubbles.' They have varying, vibrant personalities and require very little care, but due to their size and candy like appearance they are not recommended for small children." - Pen, Sapphu-Adopts @ dA