Connie Wackes



3 years, 9 months ago


Leaving Lonesome Flats

Name | Connie Wackes
Nickname(s) | "Keen-Eye Connie"
Age | 26
Height | 5’11” / 180cm
Gender | Female (any pronouns)
Orientation | Bi

Jolly / Good endurance

Open Minded | Friendly | Easy-Going

Forward | Theatrical | Fun-loving | Adventurous

Unrealistic | Shortsighted | Directionless

Friendly to strangers and overall pretty amicable, Connie definitely has some ruggedly polite characteristics. She may even fancy herself charming to a degree - though, to be fair, she’s wrong about many things! One to generally go with the flow, Connie rarely commits and often makes hasty choices or decides big things on a whim. Her carefree nature gives her a good mindset for thinking on her feet and rolling with life’s punches in good spirit, finding excitement and adventure where others might not! At the same time, it often leaves her restless, always looking for the next thing to keep herself busy. She wants a fulfilling life, she’s just not sure sometimes how to reach it.


Desert Region / Tombstone

Content Warning(s) / -

Full History

Born to the outskirts of a dusty old town in the middle of nowhere, Connie’ll tell you that ‘dirt n’ dust storms’ were her only friends growing up. And she’s not entirely wrong! Though she does exaggerate a little, it’s true that not much of anything happened in her hometown. Her father was the sheriff (for what it was worth in a town of maybe 15 or so) but it was really just because no one else wanted the job - and it wasn’t like he did much anyway what with there being pretty much no serious crimes of any sort to report. He never really had to settle anything aside from the occasional neighborly disputes and he liked that just fine. Connie, on the other hand, wasn’t as thrilled with the calm routine in her day to day.

A slight problem child, Connie never did anything egregious but she was known to stir the pot so to speak. She loved hearing (and making up) all sorts of stories; bandits, outlaws, sheriffs, and vigilantes - daring deeds, risky heists, and impossible rescues! Her parents waited for her to drop it and make something of herself, to grow out of the games and the stories and the absolutely batshit dreams. They waited for a very long time, actually. But she never quite did! If anything, she only grew more into the idea of rough ridin’ and gun slingin’ the older she got, taking serious interest in marksmanship and actually making herself somewhat impressive as she showed she was quite the natural little sharpshooter!

When she grew old enough, she was quick to hop town. Her parents would be lying if they said they weren’t expecting it of her. She promised to go back sometime, and to write often, but that little old town just wasn’t enough for her and they all knew that. Just like that, she was off! To blaze trails, explore on her own, sometimes with partner(s) - she got into plenty of trouble, did deeds good and bad, met all sorts of folk as she drifted wherever the wind led her. Aimless, without many goals but to entertain herself and maybe find a place, a purpose out in the world. If nothing else productive, she was at least honing her marksmanship skills near daily. Life continued like that for a long time, eventually moving out of the Desert Region to bigger and better places. It was on the Island of Ethlovan that she heard tell of a great adventurers’ guild in a tavern and decided then to give it a go, quick to sign on with the first team that would have her.

Who knew, maybe this would be the start of a new adventure?


Tiny hometown ➣ Pretty bored ➣ Loved and told wild stories ➣ Grew up to pursue adventure ➣ Ends up with Tourbillon because they’re not picky and she wanted adventure!


Species | Sableye #302
Variant | Summer
Type | Dark / Ghost
Level | 100
Team | Tourbillon
[ Master / Bounty Hunters ]
Position | Recruit

With especially sharp vision, Connie is able to strongly resist conditions and moves that would make it harder for others to see and can spot out targets with reliable accuracy.

Shadow Ball | TM
Ghost | Special | 80/100
Connie’s most commonly used move! She fires a tiny blob of concentrated ghostly energy that dissipates upon hitting anything - usually fired from her gun if she has it!

Wil-O-Wisp | TM
Fire | Status | -/85
Fires a short barrage of tiny fireballs that try to burn an opponent - they have a slight target-seeking curve on their own but dissipate quickly if they don’t find their mark!

Gyro Ball | TM
Steel | Physical | -/100
The most reminiscent of a bullet in that it is steel and spins like one. The shot is way more effective in a quickdraw to hit something moving very fast and is less effective against a static or slow target with how it surrenders accuracy for more impressive kinetic vision.

Metronome | TM
Normal | Status | -/-
Connie uses it pretty recklessly, the move allowing her to summon pretty much any random move. Incredibly unreliable, it can’t be controlled at all and could be any move or any power/type/effect and drawback. It’s got as much chance to help as to hurt!



Gun | It’s a real gun but Connie doesn’t use real bullets! She uses it to concentrate her attacks through! She can use moves without its help but is admittedly not as good disarmed!

Hat, Boots, & Rope | You can’t be a cowboy without this stuff! (according to her)

Wanted Poster | It’s her, wanted in a town far, far from Ethlovan - the reward is 100p and the crime was unlawfully rearranging local signage which she deemed an eyesore. She thinks it’s cool, so she kept it!

➤ As a kid, she couldn’t decide if she wanted to be a sheriff, outlaw, or vigilante - they all sounded really cool to her! She supposes she’s become kind of a sheriff now with the whole Bounty Huntin’ gig she’s a part of!

➤ Her vision is one of her strongest senses and one of her greatest points of pride and the source of her cool cowboy nickname - one of her biggest fears is losing vision. Another fear is snakes!

➤ Very much enjoys friendly competition - she doesn’t get upset when she loses but definitely isn’t above some light heckling when she wins!

➤ Zaglis doesn’t like her!!! She has literally no idea why, she’s never met this man in her life - despite this, she thinks he’s pretty OK and it doesn’t really bother her any!