Bienvenu Alderean



3 years, 8 months ago


Bienvenu Alderean

Nickname: Bien

Job: Museum Curator


Age: 24

Date of Birth/Zodiac: Aries (April 2nd)

Species: Vampire (asabonsam + moroi)

Gender: Cis male

Height: 5’10”
Weight: 290lbs

Sexuality: Bisexual

Skin/Scale color: Light Brown

Hair/Fur Color: Purple, Light Purple

Hair Style: Slicked back with tufts sticking out here and there. The ears that currently point out of his head is actually 

Eye Color: Golden! Sort of closer to Honey

Strange Features: Two large hollow fangs, Sharp pupils

Speech pattern: He doesn't throw too many filler words in when he speaks. Sometimes he gets a bit excitable which means he'll start talking at the same speed of a Texas Auctioneer. Prone to say "Isn't that just amazing?" When talking about supernatural things on video or while vlogging
Description: Bien is a bit taller than average and carries a small amount of muscle in his arms and more so in his legs but overall he is rather fat with good posture.


"All it takes is a small bit of patience and a large amount of luck. Some money would be nice too."

Bien is the type of person to make his life theatrical. No ifs, ands, or buts when it comes to recording his day to day life. If the audience wants to see his successes and failures then they are in for a treat. He doesn’t know when to stop putting on an act even if it’s become who he truly is. So by technicality, he isn’t lying to them anymore. The only thing he does hide is his crippling self doubt and the fact that he will always be reminded in small passive aggressive ways by his parents that he will never match up to them in strategic prowess or combat capability. Long winded reminders of never being a true vampire acting as his motivation to find out about himself and other lost supernatural histories.  

Still, there was something he couldn’t do and that always killed him. Sure he can talk his way into as many situations as possible in order to get what he wants but saying no was a different matter entirely. Saying no meant he'd given up. It meant that his parents were right about every little self doubt they'd never brought up or even cared to poke fun at. In fact he knew deep down that they loved and supported him but the very thought of their disappointment wounded him. This only made him want to succeed more. So that’s what he does, do something until he can’t even if it means being slightly injured or fatally wounded. 

**Ally/person of interest: He’s super excited and happy to be near them but will also probably swear a bit more around them. He will probably ask them about their day more often and bring a gift if they plan to meet up. Nothing big, just either candies or small things that made him think of the other person when they meet. Will definitely try to make them smile at least once every time they meet and ask if they’d like to go on a hunt with him to find rare and exotic creatures or people to film and research.
If it’s his parents then not only will he not curse but he will also try to seem a bit tougher, puff his chest out more and potentially speak about how his career is going and not stop talking for a bit in fear they will find him less interesting. 

**Enemy/unknown person: Still amiable but more cautious with whatever he says. Will only curse if they have seriously angered him and may get into a fight if worse comes to worst. 

**Other: Ready to meet a potential new fan and basically act like a personal survey trying to figure out if they are supernatural or not. Definitely reacts less spirited to humans because he has already read quite a bit about their history and after being raised by his adoptive parents he’s honestly sort of bored of human specific culture. He makes sure not to let this on or offend anyone but it still happens where he’s more quick to leave a conversation because of such. 

**Likes: Cryptids, Urban legends, Myth, Folklore, Different religions, The idea of the unknown, Being a vampire, Sleeping in a Coffin (When he found out he could do this comfortably he was so stoked despite it being cliche), His hellhound Raphael, His best friend Fiona (She’s a gorgon and helps him care for the live animal section of his museum), Insects, Rococo architecture, Futurism as an artform, Fractals, Vlogging, Mochi, Animals, Wearing fashionable clothing (Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as he puts on his squirrel suit esque actual suit for work), and Watching life happen around him

**Dislikes: Smoking, Disappointing others, Uncomfortable seats, Making a situation worse with rambling, Speaking in different languages and accidentally mixing up his meanings, Becoming one with the floor after tripping, Struggling with bank statements, Being untrue to his fans and himself, Talking with his parents for long periods of time, and Sports


Mother: (Luiza) Alive and currently traveling with 30 of her thralls
Father: (Adrian) Alive and managing the family’s ancestral castle. Bien’s number 2 fan but he doesn’t brag about it. (that’s a lie)
Adopted Father: (Charles Sr.) Doing well as an accountant but struggling to relate to his son’s passions
Adopted Mother: (Wilemina)Loves her children and is Bien’s number one fan.
Adopted Brother: (Charlie) Currently a Sophomore in college and a lineman for his school’s football team. Happily talks about his brother’s work and finds it funny how easy it is to distract him with potential video ideas. 

__Capabilities __

How’s it Hanging?: Thanks to his mother’s genetics Bien has the capability to change parts of his body (specifically his hands and feet) into hooks to make it easier to climb on to trees or latch onto structures with a strong grip.

Silver Tongue: His father’s gifts came in the form of a rather magical asset that ensured that anyone who listened to him ask for a small bit of blood would become much more inclined to give it. He can magically persuade those who are weak of will to be incredibly fine with the idea of letting him suck their blood.

Hungry for More: In high intensity situations Bien can pull from the bestial ancestry of vampires and become a beast of anger and hunger. His size near doubles while his limbs extend in a ghoulish fashion. Teeth sprouting out like a pin cushion while his hands and feet become deadly scythes to latch on any surface or organism closest to him.

1: The changes last for about 20 minutes and each time he uses this ability he’s in incredible amounts of pain so his problem solving capabilities are rather poor. Bien also does not know how to fight with his hooks all too well.
2: Hemophiliac, this suggestion will only affect those with weak wills, those who have had him take blood before, and those who enjoy pain. The suggestion has a time limit of 3 minutes and can last for less if the person is distracted. 

3. This for last for about 20 minutes in total and puts Bien in serious danger as his bones are more susceptible to breaking or dislocating while his muscles can rip from the bone if he tries to push himself too hard in this form. He also can not control his hunger meaning anyone who is in his way whether he likes them or not will most often get seriously harmed or worst, death. 

Languages: English, French, Mandarin, Romanian, and Polish

Newest Iphone, small Miriam webster’s dictionary, Satchel of important (yet explosive) magic stones, Small totems of protection (His adopted mother found them on ebay and they really do work. He’s thrown them at a lot of people but they are still good. Some definitely have dried blood on them), Camera, Multiple Journals for hunts, Dog treats, Dog toy (it’s one of those small ropes), and a few spare hygiene related objects like deodorant or a travel toothbrush.


Early life: Being raised by humans isn’t all too bad. Of course not knowing he was a vampire did definitely make parts of his life more confusing than one might expect. Like when he first lost a baby tooth at the age of 6, then instead of a normal canine he was met with one that was way too large, then another right after that. His parents rushed him to his pediatrician who then explained to him his rather peculiar situation. Now knowing that Bien was a rather “special” child they made a decision right then and there to not disclose said information till he was an adult. They feared for his ostracization from other kids his age and genuinely just wanted him to grow up normal. Sadly their best efforts and wishes led Bien to question his place in the world and wonder why only he struggled to not eat raw meat. Why does sleeping in a normal bed make sleep increasingly difficult? Why was he able to convince his 8th grade World History teacher to not give him the final exam and instead was given an automatic A?

Thankfully his progenitors came before he had any more questions to throw to the void with way more information than a 16 year old boy experienced true cravings for blood could handle. So his first response was to run away as two very scary vampires chased him into the night. The conversation that followed afterwards was both enlightening and frustrating. A whole world he had completely shut out from him because not only not been wanted but also had those he thought had loved him the most fear what he could become. What he truly was. This worry led him to start researching and with that research came the idea of starting a youtube channel and museum recording his findings and sharing them with the world.

Present: Bien now sports a rather successful youtube, anthropological, and supernatural related career. Discovering the link between Demons and Vampires after a 2 year long web series leading him to the truth but also the realization that being a vampire meant he had a lot more responsibility than he truly thought. This started for himself and yet as he turns on the camera he can’t help but know he’s carrying the torch of both his families. Sure it’s not the way either intended for him but he’s happy for the moment.

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