Nick Moreno



3 years, 10 months ago



Name Nick Moreno
Nickname Nick
Age 22
Race Mortal
Sex Male
Gender Cis
Height 5'11"
Weight 170lbs
Orientation Straight (Bi?)
Occupation Barista
Birthday March 28th
Zodiac Aries


Passionate & Hard Working

Nick has a fire that burns hot and bright for everything he throws himself into. He puts pride into everything he does and is determined to be the best. He always seems to be moving, putting all of his time into something. However this level of hyper-focus and dedication can result in him having intense burnouts.

Responsible & Dependable

Nick had big shoes to fill at a young age, hence he is very familiar with others needing to rely on him. Despite his recklessness, he will go above and beyond to complete tasks placed upon him.

Stubborn & Strong-Willed

Once he has set a goal for himself he will not allow anything to get in his way. This can result in ignoring the advice of concerned friends and family, or taking on more than he is capable of. He fails to learn from such mistakes.


Any chance to prove himself to others is accepted with vigor. This can be anything from sports and games to who can clean out a coffee grinder the fastest. If he loses he will ALWAYS as for a rematch in whatever the challenge, which doesn't always bode well for his pride.

Playful & Witty

Nick has his own way with words. He can be a sarcastic smart-aleck and likes to poke fun at other people, but he generally does it in good humor. He can be a bit of a flirt as well but it's all in good fun.

Assertive & Abrasive

Nick is forceful with others by default, leaning more on the side of making enemies than friends when meeting new people. He makes sure to let everyone around him know he won't take any trouble from anyone. He goes about it in an oddly charming way though, keeping a toothy grin on his face and making threats that sounds oddly friendly.


Nick doesn't put much thought into the things he says or does, sometimes jumping to conclusions or making decisions that come back to bite him. He has yet to connect the dots. - Emotionally Ignorant To Nick feelings are like bug-bites; scratch them and they itch and bleed, leave them alone and they go away. Either he ignores them, runs from them, beats them down OR becomes blindly consumed by them. He lacks the emotional intelligence to step back and analyze his feelings or calm himself in moments of stress. Because of this he often has a hard time sympathizing with other peoples emotions since he's so out of tune with his own.

Prideful & Close-Minded

Nick struggles to admit when he is mistaken or has done something wrong and will often try to redirect blame to those around him. He also isn't reflective or particularly thoughtful, so he generally makes his own opinions and stick to them. He sees the world in a very us vs them mentality, black and white. Logic doesn't always help much either, back him into a corner and he might just give up on the conversation. It will take a lot to change his mind.

Trouble Maker

Nick's rambunctious tendencies and addiction to dares often results in him causing a bit of trouble for those around him. It's not uncommon for him to gossip, start fights, and pull pranks. He likes the drama and excitement.


Nearly every person Nick has ever known prior to leaving Fleur has been Mortal. The little knowledge he has of other races comes only from old folk tales and word of mouth. His hostility towards others is slightly more so around other races and he won't put much effort himself into getting close to someone different from himself, but perhaps some time away from home will help him change his outlook.


Early Years

Nick grew up in Fleur, Fernis. He was a rambunctious child, always getting into places he didn't belong. His father worked in the mana stone mines while his mother worked as a school teacher. As a child Nick's father would host bonfires and invite friends and neighbors over for cookouts, or sometimes just a night out with his two sons amongst the flames and the stars. Nick looked forward to these times with his dad most.


During Nick's early teen years his father died in a mining accident. Such a heavy loss at a young age was difficult for him to deal with, and instead of taking the time to process what had happened he threw himself into anything he could find. His family needed more income with his father gone so he started picking up work. His teachers knew his situation and offered to give him extra help and time on his work but he wanted none of it. His father's death followed him for months in the pity he saw others show him. Everyone got quiet when he was around, maybe they'd ask casually about his father before being shushed by someone else. He hated being treated so fragile and made a point to act tough. His mother didn't deal with the loss well and became distant towards her sons. Nick grew to resent her for not stepping up the way he had.

This frustration resulted in Nick lashing out. He'd start fights at school, sometimes defending other classmates, sometimes blowing up over nothing. He would stay out all night, worry his mom and brother sick. He started smoking to help settle the stress. He saved up enough money to get a flame tattoo in memory of the bonfires his dad would throw as a kid, to which he knew his mom would hate but when she saw is she couldn't find the heart to be mad.

Moemoea Cafe

After finishing school and helping his mom and little brother financially until they were in a stable place, Nick left home. He wanted to leave behind the person everyone saw him as, a child grown up too fast. He was happy with his life, he didn't want others telling him nobody should have to live the way he had. He was tired of seeing the sadness that never quite left him mom's eyes when she looked at him. Most days it seemed he was the only one who had moved on.

He barely had enough money to get to the Mers, the "Town of Beginnings". He figured he's be able to find his way from there, but he couldn't go much farther without a source of income. He needed to pick up a job fast, and he stumbled across the cafe. While the pay wasn't great they were in need of staff and he could start right away.



  • Winning
  • Coffee
  • Campfires
  • Games
  • New experiences


  • The Past
  • Failure
  • Excuses
  • Boredom
  • The Dark

Ink Drawing

Since receiving his flame sleeve Nick became very interested in the process of tattooing. He has a small leather-bound journal filled with ink drawings and designs he's made himself and would like to become a professional tattoo artist.


A competitive person like Nick is naturally drawn to sports and soccer just happened to be the most popular in his hometown. He loves playing on a team and making them proud.

Electrical Engineering

Fleur is home to a large mana stone mine which are used to power electrical devices. Nick took some interest in their potential and has fooled around with them on occasions but with little luck.

Card Games

Nick enjoys games of strategy, and throwing a few coins into the mix only adds to the fun. He keeps a deck of cards on hand and is always up for a game.


He's mostly given up the habit, but in times of high stress or anger Nick keeps a pack of cigarette on him.

HTML by Eggy
