Tbn's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use


> my COMMISSIONS tos can be found here <


[!!] trade/sell my designs to anyone on my blacklist <

sell ocs for more than you paid UNLESS there's extra art <
> extends to ocs you got for free from me

remove an ocs design coding (trans, black, etc.) <


setting an oc's privacy to 'authorized users' / 'only me' <

> i like to check up on ocs/designs i've made + have profiles for public/personal record
using my designs for commercial use <
> i have an extra charge for commercial rights. legal action will be taken if contact is not made.

take inspiration from my designs <
> stealing will never be tolerated and action will be taken.

> as long as you don't completely copy the design you're just fine <3

redesign my designs however you wish! <
> do not completely redesign your oc to have 0 resemblance to the og!

transfer designs/ocs back to me if you lose connection, only if you want to! <