✧・゚ maggie



3 years, 10 months ago



Humanoid . 16 . She/Her . Lesbian

Maggie is my baby dancer girl, designed by Haven, with PTSD and stuff. She deserves better honestly.


Name Maggie (Mags)
Age 16
Gender Female (Trans, MTF)
Race Puerto Rican
Birthday July 6
Height 5'1
Orientation Lesbian
Occupation Student

  • Dance
  • Pegs
  • Poetry

  • Her Father
  • Drugs
  • Intoxicated People

Fun Facts

  • Maggie, Peggy, and Human Mint/Enoch have been friends since childhood. Each are very different.
  • Mags takes care of her mom by herself while maintaining a 5.0 GPA.
  • Mags is extremely smart!
  • She has strange method of studying that allows her to succeed!
  • Mags pours all her extra time into all sorts of dances and is considered the best dancer to ever live in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Design Notes

  • Maggie usually wears baggy tear shirts over long sleeve shirts to cover up her body shape (but she wears skinny ripped jeans because she likes to show off her legs.)
  • Mags pierced her ears herself when she was 8.
  • Mags has a lil trans locket, though she rarely wears it!
  • Inside are pictures from before and after the surgery!
  • Peggy gave her her hightops for her birthday this year.


Maggie's father was injured in a seriously intense car crash. Miraculously, he survived, but he then became hooked on the pills, which led him to a drug and alcohol addiction. He also constantly gambled his family's money, causing them to be broke.

After the car crash, Maggie's mother went into a state of shock and hasn't been aware of her surroundings in days, so she doesn't know whats wrong with her daughter and her husband.

Maggie now struggles with the pressure of being a trans girl at school. It worsens knowing her father is a junkie and her mother was now helpless. Maggie does everything in her teenage power to take care of her mother and protect whats left of their money.


code by jiko | bg photo by Unsplash