


9 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info



ALT mode

Boeing AH-64 Apache






Transformers Prime


Gryphoon sometimes calls her 'Sky' when in a rush, though she has complained that she cannot stand the nickname on multiple occasions. She doesn't mind being called 'SC' every now and then. The team of her and Gryphoon is commonly referred to as team 'whirlybird'.


Once the cybertronian equivalent of a palaeontologist, but now forced to become a warrior alongside the other decepticons on earth.


Originally stationed at Shockwave's laboratory on Cybertron. Is now aboard the Nemesis on earth.


full ref sheet:

Although her alt mode may seem incredibly intimidating, and give one the impression that she is primarily the warrior type, (and that is the impression she likes to give off) she is not much of a fighter.
She doesn't like being put into any sort of leader position, and would much rather just follow orders.
She feels no shame in fleeing from battle if she is damaged or at a disadvantage.
She does -try- to keep her pride, and doesn't like to be seen as weak. She can also get rather cocky and snide if she believes the situation is in her favour.
She is always careful not to insult or disappoint her superiors, and remains loyal to who ever is in charge. She simply wants to keep her place and herself alive.
Truth be told, she's not all too scary or intimidating, and would likely consider any means of staying alive.

However, she seems to free up when she is around Gryphoon, her trusted partner. He is the only bot who she ever freely speaks her mind to, while she primarily keeps her opinions hidden around others. Her personality springs to life around him - she loves to joke around with the predacon, though he doesn't understand the humour.

She can't stand anything about earth (except their aircraft creation skills), especially the weather, the environment, and particularly the organics that inhabit it. In fact, her distaste for the planet is the main thing that drives her, and her loyalty to the decepticon cause.
She cannot stand the fact that some Cybertronians would put the needs of organics above their own species.

Having the alt mode of a Beoing AH-64 Apache is probably her strongest aspect. She knows she is not very good at combat tactics or close range fights, so she hopes the power of her alt mode will compensate for her lack of skill.
In fights she prefers the hit-and-run tactic; firing off a few rounds from her side guns, and then retreating to safety. She is extremely vulnerable in tight spaces, the only close range weapon she has is the tail rotor that attaches to her arm. Her armor is built more for defence, so she can hold her own for a little while before she finds a chance to escape.
She will fight in her alt mode as much as possible, so as not to show her weak points in her robot mode.

Although she now tries to hold her ‘warrior’ status in high honour, Skycutter was once the equivalent of a Cybertronian palaeontologist.
She was fascinated by Predacons, the great beasts that once roamed her planet, and was once one of cybertron’s leading experts on the subject- before the war destroyed the planet. She was absolutely thrilled to join Shockwave’s project to start cloning and recreating these mighty creatures, it had been her dream to meet a predacon ever since she was told tales about them as a sparkling.

It wasn’t too hard for her to find and excavate appropriate predacon remains for Shockwave’s cloning process, and she was able to quickly grasp the science behind this project.
Their first creation was more a test run, to see if the equipment even worked; Gryphoon was the result of this test, though they didn’t even expect him to survive. He was much smaller than his original species, and his energon systems were very slow (a result of overlooked cna).
Skycutter, however, didn’t want to give up on this first creatation so soon, and wanted to study him in order to perfect their cloning technique, and even built him a system of tubes to help pump energon around his body. With this help, he was able to survive past Shockwave’s predictions, and showed no signs of any other weaknesses.

Since Gryphoon was now the first predacon created in Shockwave’s lab, Skycutter took it upon herself to teach him everything he ought to know, though Shockwave didn’t agree most of it was necessary. Gryphoon showed particular interest in learning about Cybertron’s history and helping her scavenge for more predacon bones, though he could not voice it in his beast mode.

It was on one particular day the pair were scavenging for predacon bones, when they were attacked by previously inactive insecticons, that Gryphoon revealed his species’ secret- transforming to become biped, and using his beast modes tail as a shield and mace to fend off the insecticons. Skycutter was absolutely gob smacked by this development (and so was Gryphoon honestly), as there had been no evidence of predacons being able to transform.
With that, Gryphoon was finally able to start voicing his feelings and ideas, and was able to greatly help with the acceleration of project Predaking. He was thrilled at his new found ability of speech, rather than just hissing and squawking, as he could finally speak with Skycutter, who he had come to greatly admire. The two eventually became inseparable, mainly because Gryphoon didn’t seem to get along with anyone else.

Gryphoon and Skycutter later joined up with the decepticons aboard the Nemesis when Shockwave came across Knockout and a squad of Vehicons trying to salvage the Omega Lock. The pair were quite disappointed when Shockwave was welcomed back with his own new laboratory on the ship, while they were treated as just more cannon fodder for the Autobots whenever Megatron needed something collected. 

The two are pretty much always put on a team, as the rest of the decepticons who were put on teams with Gryphoon found out quickly that he doesn’t listen to anyone. Even if he was sent out with just a group of Vehicons, he refused to listen to anything they said and pretty much left them for scrap when autobot trouble came knocking.
Team ‘whirlybird’, as they were dubbed, do work well as a team. Gryphoon is the close combat based backup for Skycutter, who prefers to attack at a distance.

Skycutter has noticed that since coming aboard the nemesis, Gryphoon has taken on a much darker tone of personality. When on cybertron, he was much more talkative and enthusiastic, always ready to learn and help, but when he and Skycutter came aboard the nemesis, he suddenly realised the seriousness of the battle between Autobot and Decepticon. For him, it was one thing to learn about it from Skycutter, but another thing to actually be fighting in it.
She hopes that one day the two of them will be able to afford a small ship of their own, and use it to explore all of cybertron’s abandoned cities and find all sorts of treasures.