


3 years, 10 months ago



- blue anthro wolf, red eyes, red tongue; black hoodie with red features (wolf fang logo on backside) with the hood always on his head, ears sticking out; red scars all over his body; maybe a glass thing for hacking in front of one of his eyes, that eye maybe black background instead of white?  -> knives hidden in arm parts of the hoodie, how many are there? how do they get their all the time? we will never know

- hacker, also has an addiction for knives

- twin brother Flax; their nicknames a brothers was something with wolves, that's why wolf form in hell

- come from rich parents

- is rather quiet, not really social; got picked on because of it in school, Flax protected him though; mostly monotone face

- reason of death: he was in a room hidden deep in the cellar when he heard a crash in their house that got his attention, walking towards it he soon smelled the fire that must have broken out in the house. Trying to get out, he discovered that the door was unmovable, something must have fallen in front of it. He tried to somehow get it open but it was of no use and the smoke was getting thicker. Flames now also making their way into the cellar. Hax tried to get away from it as far as he could and phoned Flax. He hoped his brother had already gotten out of the house. In the talk with his brother, he got to know the reason for the fire, since it was Flax himself, who didn't knew that Hax was still in the house. He tried to tell his brother to stay outside of the house and don't come in, but it was of no use since his brother already hung up on him. The smoke was now all over the room, the flames getting higher and his vision faded into darkness. He died and awoke again in hell, shortly before his brother arrived as well

- died maybe 2018?

- made themselves a name in hell and work now for Vox

- they are still inseparable and won't do a job without the other

Song Inspiration: Solence - Animal In Me